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Oh, Mr. Raymond...

I love having 'me' time. I think it is an essential chore taking time for yourself. You need to take care of yourself before you attempt to take care of anybody (or anything) else. Can I get an amen up in here? I like the idea of having a self-care routine that also gives you time to unwind and relax. Sometimes at work I feel like I wanna slap a bitch, so these moments alone with myself, not having to think about people's fuckery or their deep stupidity, make sense to me.

Now, my routine is not as complete as Usher's because I do not use the warm washcloth or the hand sanitizer, but I love the idea of a scent? Yes, I do. I think I may include a candle or incense in my routine some days. It can only help, because I do love me a nice scented candle. My fav? Ikea's Skruvpil candles. Yes. 

Also I did not know that Black men are very peculiar about their hairline?? But I do love rosewater because my granny used to spray rose water on her face and swore by it. Even during her later years, it was the one thing she did every morning. I use Trader Joe's Rosewater. Affordable and delicious. 

And my routine is different to Usher's even though we do use the same products: I first use the cleanser (I realized that both Jimmy and I love Cerave, that was recommended to me by a friend who SWEARS by it. It's also very affordable) and then I spray the rose water. I don't know if it makes any difference but I like the idea of letting the rose water dry on my skin. It also helps me after shaving. It kind of calms my skin because the electric razor can be a bitch sometimes. 

Now, the eye mask?? I need to try that. Even though I don't go out at night as often (and stay as late) as I used to, that should be nice. Sound in the comments if you have used an eye mask. I think I should start using one. Hey, if it works on Usher... Same with the antioxidant/vitamin C. I don't use one but I use the oil-free Nourish moisturizer from Trader Joe's (honey, I practically go there every weekend, so it checks). It's light and fresh, so I like it. 

I don't do a face spray (I only do the rose water) but I love me a good lip balm. Currently I use the E.L.F Squeeze me lip balm and it's fabulous. It keeps my lips soft even in winter, natch. I do not reapply lip balm too much throughout the day, but maybe I'll do like Usher and keep one lip balm with me. One never knows when one's gonna be kissed, right?

Now, I was not the kind to use a hand and body lotion, but this summer I got into Trader Joe's Coconut and Lemongrass Body Oil and honey, what a difference! My skin feels nice and it smells fantastic. Totally recommend. I'm wearing shorts every day, so this makes my legs look nice. I'd show you, but you'd have to pay. Like my milkshake, things cost money.

And that's it. I applaud Usher for doing this, btw. To me, he's kinda of a guy's guy: not into too much frill and thrill. And then he comes up with this? Who the fuck knew? And I think I'm going to do the eye mask thing. Why not? I'd do it for special occasions, though. I think that this process should not be rushed. Remember, it's self-care, babes. And you? Are you still a water and soap kinda person? Come on, live a little! Even the Marlboro man probably kept some lip balm handy...

So spill it, what's your routine? Just between us squirrelfriends and the internet...



  1. See, this is another great reason to be a lesbian. My entire routine is Jergens hand lotion on my face after showering and Nivea lip balm to offset our dry air. Who the fuck has the time and patience for that other bullshit?

    1. Hahahaha
      I feel you! True story: when we are going out, the Wyphe is lounging around while her girlfriend and I rush to get dolled up and she's ready in LITERALLY fifteen minutes.
      Jergens is fab. And my mom used to swear by Nivea!.


    2. Oh no. Listening to Usher, and then Six, and then Debra, I've come to the conclusion that I might be a lesbian? I have a body lotion with shea butter I use all over and that's that!
      Goddess, I'm a lesbian! 😏

    3. LMAOOOO
      Ok, I think Carlos may be able to prove beyond any doubt you are, indeed a gay boy. No worries...
      Also, shea butter rules! I have some hair product with it and it's HEAVEN.


  2. too much work, for my taste!

    1. Oh, I can imagine.
      But what do YOU do, Xersex?


    2. I have a feeling I know what moisturize Xersex uses for facials!!!!!!!😜

    3. Hey, it has protein, so...


    4. LOL!!!! As often as I shoot myself in the face with my own cum, no wonder my skin is smooth. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    5. I would never be able to use for my skin what nourishes me orally

  3. Me? I smear a little Noxzema on my face and then shower. I agree with both Deb and Xersex, he does too much work and wastes too much time.

    1. Oh, I know tons of people who SWEAR by Noxema. For real.
      And this is kind of his Zen moment before performing. I think it's a great idea. It probably gets him in the right headspace before going on stage...


    2. Noxzema.....a drag queens best friend.

    3. I bet it cleanses like a miracle.
      Wasn't Noxema Jackson in To Wong Foo?


  4. Big says,
    Teenage acne? Oh, I could tell you about that.... Bad. It was bad. My brother, too. Parents wouldn't pay for the injections that would've cleared it up. I have no routine except a good silicone scrub in the shower and Suave lotion (it's inexpensive). Lip balm? Dermatologist warned against overuse, which can cause the body to stop producing its own hydration. XOXO

    1. Oh Nooo.
      That was MEAN. Having acne when puberty hits is very, very hard. Suave lotion, huh? I am loving the TJ Lemongrass oil, because it makes my skin look fab and it really is not greasy.
      And I probably should stay with lip balm in the morning, then...


  5. Anonymous7/13/2023

    Yep, just Ivory soap for me. At my age I’m too much a creature of routine. I’ve got things to get done. In the winter, when the air is dry, I will use some Suave Aloe and Cucumber lotion for my hands, and a little chapstick for the lips.

    I think one of the benefits of the warm cloth that he starts off with is it will open the pores. I’m not a dermatologist, nor do I play one on TV, so don’t rely on that.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Ivory soap is a classic, though. Super gentle. Aloe and cucumber? It sounds super refreshing.
      And you do have soft lips. And you do play a dermatologist on TV, so there's that...


  6. Usher? LOL. Well. It works for him. And that's all that matters. Me? I am so basic. I am hot water on the face first thing in the morning and brush my teeth with mouthwash. Then, after I've been writing for a few hours, I go and do my everything - the shaving, the buzzing, the showering. At the end? I have three things. Cocoa butter for the face and neck. It's my armor. Baby powder for the crack of my azz. Because if you sit too much, which I do when I write, that area needs some attention. And the last thing... and this may be TMI - but I put a dab of hemorrhoid cream on my pooter to keep it looking young and presentable. No need going out in the world looking like a tire that done blowed out! Well, you asked... Hee hee. Kizzes.

    1. Who knew, right??
      And I have a friend who also brushes his teeth with mouthwash. And cocoa butter is fab. I love it in lip balms. As for the powder? Genius hack, same as the hemorrhoid cream! WHO KNEW????
      Upton beauty secrets. You could write a blog about these things!


  7. My self-care me time usually involves first , my hand wrapped around my cock in the morning! Too TMI?

    I definitely have a skin care regime though all jokes aside. And I have used everything from drugstore shit to Chanel skincare over the years. But I'll tell you the things that have been around for years, like tried and true items are sometimes the best stalwarts. Like ponds to cleans the skin and witch hazel is hands down the best toner after a good cleanse. Maybe I'll have to do a post to feature what I use and do.

    1. Honey, it's my blog. NEVER TMI.
      And now I need you to make a post with a beauty routine!!!!



  8. A big AMEN!! This is so timely, Sixpence. One thing that I have been stressing to my wonderful daughter Hayden to help her deal with her anxiety is taking care of herself. And the way she is doing that is by doing a thorough skin care and beauty routine. She has all kinds of products now from skin masks to refrigerated globes to body spray to make her feel good about herself. Maybe I will get her to guest post on my blog about all of the products she is using.

    1. OMG yes!
      Self-care is fundamental. I think that is a brilliant idea. Also, please tell her that I think it's totally awesome that she's got a beauty routine. 2038 Hayden will thank her!!



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