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Oh, Cassandro...

So, here's the thing: you know I like big burly dudes. Now, big burly dudes in tight clothing grabbing at each other and rolling on the floor? Yes, please. 

I have always find wrestling (the one done for show at the WWF and the sporty one done in so many college gyms) very homoerotic. There's no way around it, for me. All that grabbing and grunting, and huffing and puffing. I also find the men involved in this sport a very confusing combo of no-homo-attitude and full on homo intimacy. Really. Have you SEEN Greco-Roman wrestling? It's like foreplay in singlets. 

But the thing is, it's a very homophobic sport/profession. So this movie surely is going to give us an eyeful into that culture. And this is Lucha Libre, so you'll have a taste of what this style, introduced to Mexico in the early XIX century has to say. I'm sure it's not going to be too pretty. So Cassandro definitely had to have balls of steel to go ahead with being one of the Exóticos. Being gay while wrestling as literally a living, breathing stereotype and fighting the conceptions people have of that stereotype? Hard work.

The real Cassandro (Raúl Armendáriz) is fifty three and an active wrestler. 


P.S. you may remember these guys from my 'pantry' tour. See? I do like them wrestlers.


  1. From a biopic stand, this looks very good. I think there has always been that side of wrestling, though hidden well. This dude had balls. We need a lot more like him. XOXO

    1. Oh, wrestling is absolutely bonkers.
      Very contradictory, very gay.


  2. Anonymous8/29/2023

    This looks really good, and I do love a man in spandex, and putting their hands in all the right places. You’re going to force me to sign up for Prime, yet, aren’t you?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Anonymous8/29/2023

      HuntleyBiGuy: and your “action figure” pairings are adorable.

    2. It does!
      I think I'm gonna watch. It's gonna be in theaters, too. No need to give Bezos more moolah.
      And you know I gay up anything and everything LOL


  3. Always the chance that when they get one another in a hold "something" more interesting than wrestling will happen!
    Plus: Gael Garcia Bernal.

    1. Oh yes! Gael Garcia Bernal can do no good (did you see him in Bad Education????)
      Those college wrestlers? *fans self*


  4. This might be interesting.

    1. I'm sure it will.
      The topic is not something we see everyday and the acting seems to be good.


  5. Guys wrestling in singlets is hot as hell. About a couple months ago I was on a YouTube Loop and I kept showcasing college wrestlers. Seeing those guys in singlets and wrestling, or just those solo videos is a Surefire way to give me a raging hard on!!!!! Definitely one of my Kinks.

    1. I endorse men in singlets. Especially those beefy, corn-fed midwestern dudes. College wrestlers? Sign me up!



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