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About thatTop Privilege...

 ... "Although I do not dispute Duran’s argument that many gay men talk about tops in ways that place them on a higher rung in the ladder of social hierarchies, I nonetheless hesitate to compare sex positions with other markers of social location such as class, race, and gender. Not only does such a logical leap reify the top/bottom binary (and I remain highly skeptical that any gay man is uniformly one thing across his entire sexual lifespan), but it also renders serious discussions of power and privilege meaningless.

It is more accurate, in my view, to decry masculinity as the privileged culprit in our oppressively gendered sexual relations. Being a top is just one feature within a whole field of heterosexual masculinity that is ripe for deconstruction. The real work ahead for queer revolutionaries rests in troubling the compulsory narrative that claims we must all be either males or females with appropriately corresponding gender presentations who, in turn, naturally desire members of the opposite sex. "

... and scene.



  1. Big says,
    "...in troubling the compulsory narrative that claims we must all be either males or females with appropriately corresponding gender presentations who, in turn, naturally desire members of the opposite sex. " "
    That statement tells it all. I think because people learn the "roles" in sex from a heterosexual perspective it translates over.

    1. I think so too.
      It's difficult not to adopt and adapt that hetero worldview because where are the queer/gay/lesbian role models?


  2. Well that was not the happy ending I thought was coming.

    1. Heh.
      It also tells you how fragile the whole hookup culture is/can be.


  3. Interesting and dated.

    1. Yes to both.
      That's why it's important to have representation in books, movies, art. Younger queer people need to know that there's more than one paradigm in the relationships they can have. Otherwise, all they have is Ozzie and Harriet.


  4. Agreed with this. And we are taught sex from straight perspectives. That said, I have no problem being a big ole bottom and enjoying it. A top does not always mean butch male either...I have known some pretty fem tops who have fucked me better than any butch man.

    1. Absolutely.
      Top is an attitude, a certain confidence. Mojo. BDE.
      And I love me an awesome vers man, Cali-Boi.


  5. if I had been the bottom, I would have felt frustrated and angry at the same time, given the sex appeal of the top.!

    1. OMG Xersex, same!
      And this happens. It's kind of part of the hookup culture...


    2. The bottom is also cute, but the top is so incredibly sexy!


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