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Hinduism rules, btw.

I had a glimpse of it in college, where another TA (from Bombay) and I got into a bromance of sorts. He was in charge of a lab and we met at some TA meeting and hit it off. He was fucking adorable and had the prettiest eyes and eyebrows I have ever seen in a man. And was very touchy-feely with me. It's cultural, I guess. You have no idea how many times I went back to my little efficiency apartment with a very noticeable chub. We kept in touch for a hot minute after he graduated, but he went back to India and got married right away (one of those marriages). I have no idea where he is now, but the convos we had were fascinating, not to mention those times spent very close to each other. I also have a tiny statue of Shiva (my all-time fav!) he left me. He helped me understand better (or at least have a glimpse) of his fascinating culture. It's always so interesting to hear about somebody else's cosmology! Strongly recommend it.

So according to this video, I've gone through some of the four Ashramas. I have not officially gone through the Grihasta, though, because I have not owned a house (officially), but I have had to get involved in some very practical matters (getting a job, keeping it and completing many tasks necessary to keep a certain level of life). I have not started a family, either (I don't think I'll ever have conventional family, natch) so some of the pieces may be missing.

I may be a Vanaprastha? But I cannot completely give up practical tasks (I'm years from being able to officially retire). So my stages are complicated a little by life itself, and some of these stages of life may not apply to me. I'm still doing some Artha myself, though. I do find it fascinating how these divisions provide focus and some goals for somebody's life, though, because there's no simplistic, unitary goal to life.

Namaste, Constant Reader. BTW, what Ashrama are you going through?


P.S. fun fact: I have an Ohm sign tattooed in the back of my neck and I have a tattoo with this mantra in my forearm: ॐ नमः शिवाय


  1. I suspect myself is in the first, with tidbits of the last. I will mostly likely never be in the second category. Like you, I have years till retirement yet, unless I throw in the towel and go off to live with Warbucks in Budapest.

    Never dated an Indian yet. Or had sex with one. But they do get me hot!!!! I did however see a Indian man at camp once in the showers, and he was NOT small in the cock department. And when Indian men had those big wet eyes and eyelashes. yes...it gets me hot. Very.

    1. Same!
      Well, most of us are kinds scattered in these stages, no? And going to live in Budapest with Warbucks does not sound too bad, to tell you the truth...

      Oh, the myth of the small Asian. Yep, that one has been debunked...


  2. I find myself in the third, Vanaprastha, I think, with tidbits of the first two.

    1. It makes sense.
      You see, I don't think we really go 'past' many of these because they seem very precise. I think it's very fluid.


  3. Anonymous9/22/2023

    Like in many things, so many of these overlap and we can be bridging various stages. I’ve got the house ($ort of) and am still working, but you’ve got to play and have fun, and we still have people we must obey. We take on so many responsibilities at different stages that there doesn’t seem to be any clear cut division. One seems to blend into the next. Adulting is hard.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, Adulting is hard. I sometimes wish the divisions of life stages were less defined. I'm not ready to play golf all day yet!


  4. I've reached the last stage of blissful retirement -- long may it last!

    1. Yes!
      Oh, that is the life. I'd take on gardening and RVing.


  5. I'm at the donning the robe stage, however I won't because that would mean selling my house and all of my worldly goods and that's not going to happen. Besides, I look terrible in a robe.

    1. Hahahaha
      Oh, I know you'd look smashing in a robe, Dave.
      Also, we live in the United States, where material goods are paramount. Very few people would done the robe here...


  6. Well, I am firmly in that last stage, much of it forced upon me by circumstance but adjusted to and comfortable now. However, I am not ready to take on the robe and wander the world in search of what is probably right here with me just waiting for me to become aware of it.

    1. Oh, yes.
      Taking the robe may be quite figurative, too. And you are right, what you want/need may be right in front of you...


  7. Namaste, SIxpence. I have definitely not made it to the last stage because we are doing all kinds of indulgence. We just took Hayden jeans shopping and I didn't realize I would need to sell all of my plasma for the next 15 years to afford a pair. Take care.

    1. Hahahaha
      Oh, yes. Jean shopping can be an experience. Especially for teens.
      And indulging is the grease that takes us through the Ashrams, Mr. Shife!


  8. knowledge and wisdom come from the East. You know it?


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