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Ice Slippin'

You know I love me some @omarapollo and this song is just so... beautifully haunting? And I love the idea of the contraposition of the theme and lyrics of the song and the portrait of Omar that @doronlangberg did. Talk about artists collaborating. This lyric video is beautiful.

"Ice Slippin is about reliving the thoughts I had passing through my mind the winter I came out to my family. Receiving cold judgment as opposed to the acceptance I felt I deserved,” Apollo shared in a statement. “This song is a reflection and reaction of all the emotions I had to face before and after I decided to leave the icy streets of Indiana.”

How about that inspo? I love his music. And I will most probably get his new EP as soon as it comes out. Because of course I will.


P.S. And talking about @doronglangberg... it's a two birds one stone today here at (Lo) Iprescindible. How beautiful is his art? It's as if the impressionists got a shot of adrenaline...

@doronglamberg is awesome. If you are not following him, I strongly recommend it.

This is the Omar portrait. He did capture all that energy, no?

Because an image (or twenty) are worth a thousand words. And because I am forever immensely impressed that someone could make three dozen strokes of a brush convey such emotion and movement.


  1. Interesting song, but I'm not really into erotic pastels.

    1. The song is really cool.
      And he does still natures, too btw...
      And are these pastels? We would have to ask Debra, but I think he works mostly with oils??


  2. Big says,
    Love the art! The song, not so much. The lyrics, yes. it's rather a conglomeration of style isn't it, though? Maybe that's the point. Damn....the longer I listened, the more I liked it. Well, shit.... There goes money on a new CD. LOL.

    1. LOL
      Yes, his music is quite different. That's what I like about him.
      That he's very easy on the eyes does help, natch.


  3. I, as I most always do, really listen to lyrics, so I like the message and the journey in the song. The art, too, is wonderful and vibrant,
    Good stuff.

    1. He has become quite the lyricist.
      I love when singer-songwriters do stuff like this and give us the background. More powerful, no?
      Love the artwork!


  4. Anonymous9/02/2023

    That’s a great song from Omar. And the art is fantastic, too.

    1. Yes!
      The official video dropped last week, too.


  5. Las imágenes me han dejado maravillado...tal como dices es como si uno de aquellos maravillosos impresionistas hubiera renacido en el siglo XXI. ¡Que habilidad expresar tanto con tan pocos trazos...! Me encanta...

    1. Yo he quedado... que ni te imaginas.
      Esa orgía de colores (y los temas) me energizan.
      Quién fuera artista, no?


  6. Anonymous9/04/2023

    Quite a moving song. The artwork is astounding.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I love the artwork.
      One or two of the pieces bring back quite vivid memories...


  7. I love so much the artists you put on your blog. I follow all of them on IG! 👏👏👏👏

    1. Yay!
      That's the idea. I think they're all worth a follow.



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