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Love is a drag


Ok, so I love representation. I want to see myself in books and movies and music and theater and advertising and well, everywhere. Because when I was a wee gayling, I did not see myself almost anywhere! Where was the gay representation when I was growing up? Yeah. I wanna know that.

And while crate digging last weekend in Rockford, Illinois (there are more churches than hospitals in Rockford, btw) I found this gem @cultureshock, one of those quirky shops you happen to find in the red-dest of towns. I think it's owned by the gayest straight couple I've seen (the husbear is adorable!). I looked at this record and was like GIMME! I bought it on the spot. It's of course, a reissue. I don't think there's many copies of the original scattered around (I would LOVE to have an original pressing, though..) but this find left me shook.

The reissue lists Gene Howard as the vocalist and it gives a list of the musicians and producer who took part in the making of this record. Gutsy! Why? Because it came out in nineteen fucking sixty two! Sixty one years ago! I'm sure those were added for this print. I wish I could get my hands in an original. I'm sure they were all 'anonymous'. Doing this in the open sixty years ago would have killed their careers.

I also love when a man sings to another man without qualms. Yes, we now have Frank Ocean, Omar Apollo, Troye Sivan and many others singing to another man, but it's 2023, honey. Can you tell me of any male vocalists singing songs to another man in 1962?

Representation matters. Also, these songs are too bomb.


P.S. *paging Upton* can we get a review of this LP? Pretty please?


  1. Wow! What a cool find! I couldn't get the video to play, however, not on your blog and not on YouTube.

    1. Oh, I'm delighted!
      And you know how Youtube can be. It may be on other platforms, though.
      Try this: https://loveisadrag.bandcamp.com/album/for-adult-listeners-only


    2. Anonymous9/15/2023

      This is awesome! He’s got such a great voice. I found this, also:


      XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  2. "Lover Man Oh Where Can You Be" is an all-time fave, but to hear a man sing is fabulous.
    I love this album so much.

    1. OMG yes!
      I just can't help myself when a man sings to another!!!
      This album was on repeat all weekend.


  3. Interesting, Some songs are great... others are fine.

    1. I think they're all fab.
      Kind of standards, most of them. And the singer is really not a professional singer, according to what Huntley sent us. He did this a as one-off, I believe.


  4. I love this and want the to own a copy so I Googled Love is a Drag Vinyl and low and behold it is available everywhere...even go old Amazon has it

    1. Yes!
      Oh, you have got to get a copy. I'm gonna play it to death during the winter.


  5. OMG, this was phenomenal! Beautifully recorded down to the pop of old vinyl or acetate. I think I've GOT to get this one! XOXO

    1. You must!
      I have no idea if it's only on vinyl, but to tell you the truth, I would not have a CD of this. A record it is.



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