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Jack O'Lanterning.

Oh, yes. It's that time of the year.
And I don't really do anything, but I have sometimes carved pumpkins and I had also dressed up and go to work in costume. Last year I was a sailor in full-on dark blue uniform and white sailor hat. Getting into those pants was something: they are my size, but they have two sets of buttons in the front. They literally make me stand straight. And my butt looks fantastic.

And here's one for the ones who do pumpkins: a very fancy one by one of my favorite DIY queens: @ChristineMcConnell. I want to be her friend so hard! 

Happy carving!


P.S. if you have Netflix, try this (or follow her on YouTube):


  1. Ahhh, I remember those buttons well, and how skilled I got at buttoning and unbuttoning.

    1. OMG Dave!
      It usually takes me like twenty minutes to get dressed when I wear those pants!
      They are fabulous, though. I think they're wool and the length is JUST right. The shirt is almost custom made for me. Love it.


    2. Oh, quick note:
      They're perfect for a blow job. That flap comes down and there you are!


  2. Are you dressing up this Halloween too?

    1. Haha
      Not this year, no. I usually dress up to go to the office but I'll be Zooming it this year. Pity, cause I love those pants.


  3. What amazing creations she makes. i'm impressed and kinda a'scurred.

    1. OMG she's GENIUS.
      I have watched that series on Netflix three times already. And I don't even cook.


  4. Anonymous10/25/2023

    The end result is fantastic, though I question the wisdom of putting the wax directly into the pumpkin. I guess it’s fine if you’re setting it up for a one day and done, but for longer displays, you’re probably better going with a votive. Something else I’ve heard of doing is putting cloves on the inside of the lid. The heat from the candle will warm them up and spread the aroma. And a chimney (hole in the lid) helps too.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. OHHHH
      I didn't think about that. Who knows? I think a votive is better, anyway. No?
      And the idea of the cloves is fantastic! Hmmm....


  5. Big says,
    No decorating, no pumpkin carving, no dress-up. Who has time for that stuff? LOL. The closest I ever got to a costume --- since an adult --- is carrying a box of cereal with a knife stabbed into it. One year, a t-shirt with a giant "P" written with magic marker and a fake black eye.
    But I envy those who do this kind of thing. Like Maddie, who does things up even for seasonal changes. XOXO

    1. I don't even dress up for Carnival...

    2. LOL
      I think I'm going to wrap some of that CAUTION tape around the front door and we'll have a plastic cauldron with candy for the neighborhood kids. I think we should get some kind of light-up something for the head, just to get in the spirit. For the kids, you know.

      @Xersex: I don't usually dress up, but it's been fun the times I've done it.


    3. I have never loved costumes or Carnival, not even as a child. I could walk around naked, if it weren't so cold, dressed as Adam.

    4. Hahaha
      Oh, that'd be FABULOUS.
      You should go as Adam, with just a fig leaf covering you. But yes, Halloween being in October makes skimpy outfits a chore!


    5. Big says,
      Going dressed as Adam? OK, you convinced me! 😉 XOXO

    6. noooo!!! without any leaf! so proud of my best friend!


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