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Oh, yes. Some people go ALL THE WAY with the holiday decor (I'm looking at you, Mads!). But I'm not going to comment on anything on this video (I'll only say that one of those houses has been featured here before) because I want you to take in the whole Halloween experience they are offering. I'm positive some of these people literally live for Halloween.

Yep. Talk about commitment to having a really spooky holiday!



  1. I don't decorate, that means having to put things away every few weeks.

  2. last one is the best home!

    1. Oh, I love his house.
      I think doing that kind of Dark Academia saves you money during Halloween! LOL


  3. I love this video! The participants' NON-horror/gore/bloodfest aesthetic is my own preferred "classic Halloween" sensibility as well. In the first apartment, I love the fortune tellers tree! In the second, my fave things are all those vintage masks. I remember those damn things from my childhood and wore one myself when I was six (Cinderella). And in the third, I love his food stylings. I also have one of the books he points out -- "The Magic Garden." It's volume 7 of a 12-volume set of children's literature called "My Book House." I still have the whole set from my childhood. I read every volume multiple, multiple times when I was a kid.

    1. Same!
      I think they're super fun! That tree (and Bea Arthur!) are a mood.
      The second house? I love her sense of color. And the third one has the coolest styling. And he lives like that all year round!


  4. I still look at these houses and marvel at them, and then wonder, "Who puts it all away after the holiday?"

    1. Anonymous10/29/2023

      HuntleyBiGuy: And where? They must rent storage space because this isn’t the only holiday they decorate for, I’m sure.

    2. Hahaha
      yes, that's true. Bet their attics/basements are full of those huge plastic containers...


  5. Big says,
    See? This is exactly why I don't do all that stuff. It all looks great, but it takes ***hour*** - sometimes *days* - to do it all. Then a few weeks later --- more hours to take it down and put it all away. Yikes! Yeah, I'm lazy that way. LOL


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