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Witchy in Salem...

Ok, so here's the thing: I have a penchant for posting about very specific homes, but this is a special occasion. One, it's October, the Witchy month, and besides, the wives went to Salem a few weeks ago and brought me a very cool t-shirt I'm planning on customizing and wearing on Halloween. So the second this house tour popped up in my feed I could not help by feature it here. Because there be witches.

Also, how cool is that @hauswitch is an actual business owned by one of this fab houses' owners. Serendipity! Witchcraft! How could I say no? Also, I'm an Aries with Libra rising. That explains a lot, right? 

This house for me is the perfect balance of quirky and practical, fun and pragmatic. It's a place where we can see the personalities of the people who live there without feeling overwhelmed by them. I agree with the assertion that we are into interior decor because it's a way to control our environment and that gives us anal types a route to manage anxiety and procure for ourselves a safe, relaxing space. That notwithstanding, I still covet one of those spell kits that come in... a little house!!! Gimme.

Love the upcycling, the thrifting, the crystals, the pairs of things, the plants, the books, the upstairs bedroom, their love altar... and I better stop and let you watch. And remember: Magic is magic and everybody has their own magic inside of them.

Witchy viewing!


P.S. this post is dedicated to Debra, of course. 


  1. Salem is on my list of places to visit because of the witches.

    1. GO BOB!!!!!!!!!!! You two would love it and its charms!!!! A Anniversary trip perhaps??? hint hint hint.....

    2. OMG yes.
      The girls loved it. They thought it was quaint and fun and pictoresque.


  2. Didn't hate.....but not in love with it either. The actual interior and structure and features is phenomenal....and I like the lightness of the place....just way too much stuff. But that is a personal choice for individuals. But liked many of their furnishings. I have learned from these videos we really are a materialistic society, aren't we? We love our things, me included. And having been to Salem once, a dear friend lives there, if you haven't been yet Six...you should go. I think you'd love it.

    We should just team up in our skinny jeans and do a reality series, Tales of Two Traveling Sluts. I'm not sure who'd pick it up though, it might be graphic and dirty at times.....

    1. I also like the lightness of the place.
      And I don't mind the altar and the knickknacks. It's all very Witchy. But I see what you mean.
      And we MUST do that! The Two Traveling Tramps. Let's sell the idea!


  3. love me too the lightness and what nice couple they're!

    1. They are absolutely adorable!
      And I really like the place. So airy!


  4. Anonymous10/18/2023

    This is a great home. I also love the pairings and the thrifting. The bedroom is huge, though it’s more like a suite with different functional areas. I would have liked to have seen more of the place, especially since it had once been a theater.

    And you are magical, too. I know this because you have the ability to cast spells with your sensual ways. 😘

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Big says,
      I wanted more, too, for the same reason. XOXO

    2. Same!
      I think they did a very short tour. I'd love to live in a place that had a totally different life before...


  5. Big says,
    Okay, those two are a hoot. I love that this place was originally built as a theatre and wanted to see more. Lots of cool stuff but not overdone. I have a very good friend who is a witch and just made a trip to Salem last month. I shall have to ask if she stopped in at Huaswitch. I'm betting she did. She says that Magic is in all of us and that we attract things. This was fun. XOXO

    1. They are a riot!
      It's that kind of comfort that comes from intimacy, no? And I love witches! Every witch I know has been to Salem.
      And I agree that magic is in all of us.


  6. Awwww, thanks for the dedication, sweetie! I enjoyed this video a lot -- a delightful couple, a fab home (although way too many knick-knacks out in the open requiring way too much dusting, for my taste) and wise words about witching and being magickal people.

    1. My pleasure, babes!
      I IMMEDIATELY thought about you. And they're absolutely a joy. I believe everybody has a little magic in them. We all need to try and make it come out.


  7. Not really into witches because I've known 2 and neither was very nice.


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