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Oh, the cavalcade of bigotry is nothing, dear... that's why I came up with this week's helpful Quiz on Crazy:

1. According to the video, what is Congressman Mike Johnson's stance on abortion?
a) He supports a nationwide abortion ban with few exceptions
b) He is in favor of protections for same-sex marriage
c) He voted to overturn the 2020 election
d) He congratulated former President Trump on social media

2. What did former President Trump do to congratulate the new speaker?
a) He sent a personal message to Congressman Mike Johnson
b) He posted on social media
c) He attended the election for the Speaker of the House
d) He expressed his support for same-sex marriage

3. What phrase did former President Trump use to describe Congressman Mike Johnson?
a) Mega Mike Johnson
b) Magic Mike
c) Brand New Johnson
d) Speaker Mike Johnson

4. According to the video, what does the country demand from the Speaker of the House?
a) Strong leadership
b) A small spending package
c) Stripping away people's rights
d) Denying election results

5. What nickname does the video give to Congressman Mike Johnson?
a) Mega Mike
b) Magic Mike
c) Speaker Mike
d) Johnson from the people

6. What does the phrase "he wants to strip away your rights" refer to in the video?
a) Congressman Mike Johnson's desire for same-sex marriage protections
b) Congressman Mike Johnson's stance on abortion
c) Congressman Mike Johnson's denial of election results
d) Congressman Mike Johnson's spending package

7. What word does the video use to describe Congressman Mike Johnson?
a) Mega
b) XX
c) Denier
d) Dick

8. According to the video, what did the speaker become fully elect?
a) Nationwide abortion ban
b) Same-sex marriage protections
c) Strong leadership
d) Spending package

9. What can be inferred about the video's tone towards Congressman Mike Johnson?
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral
d) Confused

10. What is the main purpose of the video?
a) To inform viewers about the election of Congressman Mike Johnson
b) To promote the idea of a nationwide abortion ban
c) To read Congressman Mike Johnson's political stances for filth
d) To celebrate former President Trump's support for Congressman Mike Johnson

... and talking about Mike's Johnson...

Oh, yes. That long standing xtianist tradition of monitoring your teen son's porn intake. While you let him monitor yours. Very healthy. Very unsafe for a member of the government to give someone kind of control of one of his electronic devices? No? Is it just me?

And I almost forgot. Did you know that Josh Duggar, the incestuous pedophile sister-diddler also used Covenant Eyes? Very effective.

Don't you remember that Rome was kinda OK until that cult called.. Christianity came the scene? Also, Rome fell because of overextension of resources and bad management, but yes, Mikey. Go ahead...

... and of course you had conversion therapy in your Mike Johnson BINGO card, no?


Oh, yes. Covenant Marriages. Very tricky. Very sticky. Very shady.

Oh, yes. Mike's 'son'. Who was never really adopted. Who was ten years younger than Mikey when he 'adopted' him. When Mike was single. Totally normal.

Mike Johnson never doesn't give me Cocky Boys or Men At Work realness. Really. 

And that's all. For today. There's so much more on Mike Johnson out there right now that I got dizzy. I may get back to Mike's Johnson, though. I have the feeling there's a lot out there that we'll get to know someday soon.

Bye, now. And happy Xitting.


P.S. Oh, the answers. Just in case.

Answer Key:
1. a) He supports a nationwide abortion ban with few exceptions (00:00:00 - 00:00:21)
2. b) He posted on social media (00:00:11 - 00:00:32)
3. c) Brand New Johnson (00:00:20 - 00:00:47)
4. a) Strong leadership (00:00:34 - 00:00:56)
5. a) Mega Mike (00:00:45 - 00:01:07)
6. c) Congressman Mike Johnson's denial of election results (00:00:56 - 00:01:18)
7. c) Denier (00:00:56 - 00:01:18)
8. a) Nationwide abortion ban (00:00:45 - 00:01:07)
9. b) Negative
10. c) To read Congressman Mike Johnson's political stances for filth


  1. Yes, undoubtedly a lot of skeletons in that particular closet! What a horrible fascist he is.

    1. Oh, yes.
      Fascist and Nationalist. Just add xtianist and you have the perfect recipe for absolute terror. He's a threat.


  2. I'm loathe to say this because i don't want Mike or his johnson anywhere near my people, but he could not give off a more gay vibe if he was dressed in a sequined jockstrap with a butt plug necklace and a feather boa and leading a gay parade through the West Village humping his boyfriend Doug.

    1. Oh, and he can fuck all the way off.

    2. I don't claim him either.
      But I know he's got secrets. Just like Lady G. Are they gonna come out? Maybe. You know it just takes a rent boy without a NDA to break this type of closet case...


  3. Anonymous11/16/2023

    Another self-loathing gay/bi-sexual who can’t come to terms with his reality. As we’ve seen so far, he can’t get anything done in congress. The repugs are incapable of leading a government, they’re in the minority and can only hold power through devious means.

    Hopefully the electorate wakes up and gets out for EVERY election next year. Many of the local elections are determined in the spring primary season with the federal contests determined in November. EVERY election is important. PLEASE make sure you show up.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I agree that he may be Bi.
      Or just closeted gay who fucked the woman he married to make sure nobody discovers his secret.
      And he's dangerous. The call is coming from inside the Capitol.


  4. Big says,
    This is one bad and fucked-up hombre. And you KNOW he's gay. He rails against the gays way too much and way too earnestly. If he had his way, we'd all be living in the Victorian Era. Yet, as usual, he's a pig like all the others who are calling for the end of same-sex marriage, the end of abortion, the end of contraception, the end of all social services to help the poor and elderly and very young.
    As Huntley says, Remember that next year in EVERY election - all the way up and down the ballot.

    1. Oh, he sets off my gaydar big time.
      He's a pig, you're right. And he'll keep promoting his self-hatred until he's got all the money in the world. THAT is their motivation: greed.

      They do need to be voted out.


  5. speaking of the Ancient Romans, I specify that they didn't care if a man had sex with another man. The important thing is that he had children and that he carried on his lineage. interest in sexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality etc. it did not exist neither with the Romans, nor with the Ancient Greeks, nor with the Egyptians. there was no stigma in the context of homosexual relationships.

    1. Of course the Ancient Romans did not care who you fucked. Lineage was what mattered.
      The stigma against homosexuality comes with christianity.


    2. absolutely true! 👏👏👏👏

    3. absolutely true! 👏👏👏👏

  6. Do as I say not as I do. That dude has some serious issues and is just so full of it. Why do these people get to tell us what to do and make laws for us when they aren't even honest with themselves? The hypocrisy is just awful with these guys.

    1. Absolutely, Mr. Shife.
      But that's the xtianist way. Internalized homophobia is a monster that eats them from inside.


  7. He's on everybody's Gaydar. This guy is Bad with a capital B, and not to be trusted.

    1. Absolutely.
      He's dangerous. Very dangerous.


  8. No offensive Six, but it stinks to high heaven up in here today.

    And yes...he has sucked dick. Give that bitch a Mento.

    1. Hahaha
      It does! And I'm sure he has. Yep.


  9. Poor dude. Hitched to that bleached blonde spectacle for the rest of his life! Well, I'm sure he has a man cave. Yeah... he's a nut job. Anyone who thinks the things in that horrible little black book are factual really shouldn't be in a position where he could become... not President, for sure. And the fact that he helped Trump try to over turn the election... ummm? Treason, anyone? Most despicable man... and that's saying a lot considering all the other deplorables in the ranks of the rank Repugs.

    1. Well, it's his beard.
      He's the typical right winger, xtianist repug. He's in it for the power. THAT is want makes him hard. The bimbo married to him speaks in that Duggar baby voice the xtianists favor. It's terrifying. She's as hateful as he is.
      He's quite the piece of shit. And Xtian Nationalist if I've seen one.


  10. Anonymous12/03/2023

    I've always found oppressive people to be sexually repressed in some way.
    No sex for me, no sex for thee - seems to be their credo. PoS Johnson is no different ! :)


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