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Oh, Nimona...

I love graphic novels. Have loved them hard for the longest time. They are the perfect combination of comic books and straight up narratives. And Nimona (by @NDStevenson) came to me right at the same time. I found the novel in my little library (love it!) and dove right in.

Then I discovered that Netflix gave it the animation treatment and I streamed it right away. The movie and the graphic novel differ in tone and some characters (I think the additional characters and the background given on them in the movie actually made me understand some things better) that reading the one or watching the other does not diminish your enchantment with the work. I totally recommend it.

So if you have Netflix, stream it. If you have your library card at hand, request it! Or if you want to read Nimona online... go download it. It's up to you. It's a great watch and a great reading. Also, there's a queer romance weaved in. Bonus.


P.S. This is @NDStevenson website.


  1. Looks like total fun, right up my alley! Thanks for the trailer and recommendation -- have put it on my "to watch" list! And will probably do so soon!

    1. It's a riot.
      That movie is non-stop action. Make sure you let us know what you think about it after you watch it!!


  2. Thanks, but I'm not a big animation fan, I am watching Fall of the House of Usher, sadly, the gay son had just died.

    1. Same!
      That's why I can't stand video games, which are basically never ending animated films. And I finished FOTHOU. Fabulous.
      Everybody dies in that series. Literally.


  3. I don't usually care for animated films, but love one with an edge!

    1. And this does have one!
      Not only for the message of inclusion and the gay romance, but the overall arch is quite smart.


  4. Anonymous11/21/2023

    This looks totally cool. Since I don’t do Netflix I guess I’ll do the novel. I see that Hoopla has it inline. I’m going to give that a shot.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Yes!
      The graphic novel is a little different (as are some of the characters) but it's an easy read and it's packed with action.


  5. It looks cute, but the only animation I've ever watched was the Smurfs and the Peanuts. And if you want to count in The House of Moorecock. otherwise, I can't seem to get into animation movies.

    1. I love the House of Moorecock!
      My favorite.


  6. Watched this the week it came out... adore. It's a great story with a great deal of heart and very well done. Very entertaining. Thanks for highlighting this one. Kizzes.

    1. You did???
      And same! Love the soundtrack too!


  7. Never been into graphic novels. Animation is wonderful - if well done. So much of today's computer stuff leaves me...meh. XOXO

    1. I agree.
      Graphic novels are an acquired taste (just like beer). The animation here is super cool and I think it was hand drawn?? I don't know, but it would be worth hitting google for that info...



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