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On giving..



I know some of you have been naughty, but you can be good (and not get that hunk of coal) and make someone's Holidays better. The thing is, it's very easy to find your local food bank and drop some goodies that you can buy for a few dollars or just purge them from your pantry.

I usually do a cleanup in December and use that and a trip to Aldi to make a box for my local food bank. It's kind of the way I have to 'give back' without trying too hard. It's also anonymous so you don't feel like you've been put on the spotlight. Win/win.

So what are you waiting for? Instead of getting some expensive coffee from some greedy corporation, get thee to your pantry, start raiding your kitchen or even better, make a trip to your local supermarket and make someone's day with your gift.



  1. Big says,
    There's a lot of info in that list. Thank you for that. We typically pay for those bags of groceries the stores sell and make other donations to charities throughout the year. This year, as I mentioned on Maddie's post, the charitable donations are being redirected to a GoFundMe for a old theatre friend who is in dire straits fighting cancer for the 2nd time. XOXO

    1. Oh, you're welcome!
      And I learned a ton from it. I had no idea you could give people seeds!!!
      And helping with a GoFundMe is fab. I've done that before. Hope your friend recovers!


  2. a great idea that warms the heart.

    1. Aww
      Isn't it? I think it's better than doing stuff that means nothing.


  3. An additional one: If your supermarket offers to donate your change to a Foodbank, so instead of paying $8.37 you pay $9 instead and .63 goes to the Foodbank. This adds up to quite a chunk of change if you do it every time you shop. In my area, the Giant supermarket gives you this option.

    1. I noticed that today, I always up and around it. Some of the local restaurants downtown are starting to do that too.

    2. I've seen that!
      There are several big supermarkets around here (Jewel Osco, Whole Foods) who do that. I'm sure it does make some good change.


  4. When I worked at Bloomingdale's eye in the visual team were a part of a charity that did volunteer work and donations to local food banks. That was where I had my eye opener as to what they actually needed. The other misconception is these people coming in are not all homeless, a lot of them just don't make enough money to survive especially with children.

    1. That's so nice!
      And people who use Food Banks do it for a ton of reasons!! Homelessness, lack of cash, so many reasons! So many people live literally paycheck to paycheck that one little problem sends them on a spiral of need...


  5. Another good thing to donate is baby formula.

  6. I check with our local food bank every so often to see what is short on the donations list ands then aim for those things.
    And a lot of our local businesses are doing the Round Up movement.

    1. Nice!
      I collaborate with a Food Bank at work. There's one in my public library too. One never knows...


  7. Anonymous12/12/2023

    You’re a kind soul. There are so many people in need throughout the year. It becomes more apparent during the holidays. That is when most charities bring in the bulk of their revenue. Unfortunately, hunger is a year round problem, and with migrants being transported around the country from the southern border, the need is great. I know that many food pantries will gladly take cash which allows them to procure perishable foods and meet emergency needs.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Aww babes.
      And that's true. I'm posting this on xmas because there's so many people in need during the holidays, but this is something that goes on ALL YEAR ROUND. And perishable food is like gold.


  8. Very cool. Thanks for all the great info. I worked for two years with MN Food Shelf - we were the money end. Which is something to consider... the money you might spend on food at a grocery store? They - the food shelf - can make it go much further through various direct-buying programs. So consider cash donations to your local food shelf. That way, they can buy what is not being donated - milk, eggs, butter, etc. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, you're welcome, Upton.
      And I've never heard of the Food Shelf. Sounds fantastic. I'll look it up!



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