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J. Crizzle, out!

There's nothing more frightening than a narcissist. Oh, wait. Yes, there IS something more frightening than that: a malignant narcissist. 

But is Elmo really malignant, or just your garden variety, narcissist? Let's see:

So, what do we think? Are there at least five observable signs there to tell us if we are correct? Is Elmo really a narcissist or just an asshole with too much power? In any case, hes' slowly destroying Twitter, one of the few tools there was to create and sustain grassroots efforts to improve the lives of millions. Asshole.

Oh, well. It was not our money, right? So who cares if Twitter is down like, two-thirds of what he paid for?


P.S. btw, Elmo seems to be closing down a ton of left-leaning (and critical of him and of Fascism) accounts on Twitter. Yep the champion of 'free speech' is silencing anybody who dares criticize him or be too much to the left... And he likes Catturd. Enough said.


  1. I don't know if he's a narcissist, but I'm glad I don't work for him. And honestly, I'm very sorry that Twitter (which I continue to call Twitter and not X) fell into his hands. How sad! and whay a pity!

    1. Oh, he's a narcissist.
      And working for him should be a nightmare! He has no impulse control and no business sense. Remember when he told Disney in PUBLIC to go fuck itself?
      I do.
      Twitter is a hellhole of fascism.


  2. Anonymous1/11/2024

    Total narcissist IMHO. Smug, has a smirk you just want to slap off his face, and a man-child. He’ll take his toys and go home if you challenge him.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh yes.
      A man-child just like Cheeto. Entitled and spoiled by money.
      The worst kind.
      Hahaha I just pictured him storming out of my house with his toys!


  3. Big says,
    Worse than being a smug narcissist, he's a bigoted product of Apartheid --- born and raised. And we all know how bigots operate. No one should be surprised by his words or deeds. XOXO

    1. Oh, he's a racist motherfucker.
      There's no question about that. He's a white supremacist.


  4. I didn't see "stomps his foot like a 12 year-old child when people disagree." And it isn't just X (which used to be known as Twitter) that's having problems, which I find rather amusing.

    1. Hahaha
      I could BET he stomps his foot. And Twitter is gonna go down. BTW, have you seen the so touted super truck or whatever is called?? It's like a DeLorean with a stomachache.


  5. Elmo's true colors really came out and he is a giant turd. And it is sad that a platform that has done a lot of good is getting gutted by his actions.

    1. Elmo is a Nepo Baby who has not worked a day in his life.
      Entitled, whiny and petulant, he'll drive Twitter into ruin. And it'll be deserved.


  6. Anonymous1/15/2024

    I think we're all a little narcissistic - it's the age we live in. I still can't get over that we've things called influencers. I mean, how narcissistic does one have to be to assume that position?

    1. Oh, we definitely are.
      Social media has kind of conditioned us to be that way. And yep. Influencers are a thing. It blows my mind, also.



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