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Oh, yes.

Kal Penn: I went to a conference last year and he was the keynote speaker. The man is magnetic, really. I think his presentation was the most interesting (I'm biased, because I have a weakness for men who can tell a story) that whole day. He's very charming and has an easygoing sexiness that makes him quite attractive in person. I would let him hit it. Repeatedly. Pity he's married.

But yes, the topic: sex work. 

Sex work should be legal.



  1. Anonymous1/25/2024

    The repugs have been prostituting themselves for years. You mean they’ve been breaking the law?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, the Repugs would do anything for money.
      Whores. THEY are the whores.


  2. I agree with you, it should be legal.

    1. Absolutely.
      It would end many vile side effects it currently has. But this is the United States. Capitalism reigns. And that implies that there's always someone being exploited.


  3. Who does sex work hurt especially if it legal???? No one. That's who.

    1. Correct.
      But if it's legal, it would not provide the power imbalance it has now. And people get off on that rush...
      Also, hypocrisy and the idea of doing something forbidden is the fuel of so many conservatives it would kill the rush...


  4. Agreed. And all of those politicians could avoid scandals by having legal sex. I mean there's hundreds of other things they are doing that would cause a scandal but one less thing for them to worry about.

    1. Oh, yes.
      The politician and the sex scandal. There's always one. Especially the 'conservative' ones...


  5. In Italy, sex work is legal. the exploitation of sex work is not legal (like any work, after all). However, thinking of hindering sex work is a pathetic attempt.

  6. Big says,
    Sex work is legal in all but 2 Nevada counties. It should be legal everywhere. XOXO

    1. Of course it should.
      That's what Kal's point here is.


  7. Over the years some of my best friends and deepest fantasies have been sex workers and they have been, without exception, some of the kindest most caring and compassionate people I have ever known. Sex work should be legal in every state of the United States. Maybe then all those religious bigots could finally show their true colors.

    1. Sex work is.. work.
      People who are sex workers are just people. Are some of them very beautiful? Of course! Their livelihood depends sometimes on how attractive they are.
      That does not take from their humanity.



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