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Oh, a blueprint?


If you can stand his voice, go to @LeadingReport for the audio. 

Both parties are NOT the same. It's not 'the lesser of two evils' to re-elect Biden, no matter what the Left-leaning purists say. 

Vote Blue.


P. S. He’s telling you who he is. Believe him. 



  1. take a look where T's mustache is positioned. Don't you see an analogy with a historical figure from the past?

  2. That magazine cover is brilliant.

  3. Trouble is, his minions in the cult love what he says because he's going after all the people they hate; but when he's done with immigrants, LGBTQ+ Americans, and women, you don't think he's gonna boost the rich and ignore the poor, his base?
    He tells us every day who he is, believe it.

  4. Trump is the spawn of Satan. Vote Blue!

  5. Big says,
    Isn't this list lifted directly from Twittler's website? And it's derivative of the Project 2025 published by the Heritage Foundation, the same lovely folks who brought you Kavanaugh, Comey-Barrett, & Gorsuch on the SCOTUS, and Cannon who's protecting him on the FL federal circuit bench with the documents case. "Project 2025: is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election."
    Note that it doesn't say a Twittler victory. It says a ****Repuglican**** victory.
    Vote fuckin' BLUE!

  6. Anonymous1/26/2024

    The thing is people will get tired of hearing it and tune it out. They are counting on people getting exhausted hearing it and not show up at the polls (or poles, as he says). The has to be resurrected regularly so it’s front and center in everyone’s mind. This is not “just another election talking point.” This is a threat!

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  7. He promised to be a dictator, but "only for the first day." Oh well, in that case. . . .

  8. I'm really fearing this election. If he gets back in...he will be hellbent on revenge and we will all pay...trust me.

  9. Anonymous1/29/2024

    The Trumpenführer and his trumpanzees can't get enough. :( -Rj


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