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Oh, Mitesh....

This is a nice house, but I think what makes it stand out is the interior. It’s the fact that including things that reflect our culture while adding interest and color to our humble abodes is the way we all should go. I think that the trick is to make it appear cohesive and not like you are in one of the wings of the Art Institute in Chicago. The balance is tricky, but it can be achieved, as we see in this house.

When you approach the house, you have absolutely no idea what you're going to find. With that kind of suburban facade, you imagine Ethan Allen and Lazy Boy. And you kind of get that in the 'before' pictures. The 'after', though... I approve. The life that’s imbued in this house is special. 

And he's right: sometimes the things we bring into our houses may be meaningless to other people, who are used to seeing them as useless or pedestrian, but in our eyes (and when we place them in our homes) they become priceless. Yes, @Mitesh, I feel you.



  1. Big says,
    I like it. I mean, it's not my style but he knows how to choose artworks and colors and knows where and how to place them to compliment and contrast. Added plus: It's not cluttered. LOL.

    1. Oh, it's not my style either, but it IS pretty.
      I think that the colors are absolutely pretty and the artwork fab.
      And nope, it's quite spacious yet artful. It's a good combo.


  2. I like seeing people use art and objects to tell us who they are; we don't buy things for the house to have things for the house. We buy things we like, that may spark a memory or feeling for us.
    It's OUR house it should look like us.

    1. I agree!
      The whole getting things we love and cherish is so much more fun and meaningful! There's always a story to tell, there's always a meaning. THAT'S home.


  3. Anonymous1/30/2024

    This is a house that’s lived in. He has items that mean something to him, as Bob said. It’s funny how we remember things that were in family homes that we lived in or visited as we were growing up. They may have been just another item there, but for us they are cherished memories. I can still remember many of the things in my aunt’s home on the farm where I spent so many summers: the dining room set with plants in the windows; the wrought iron beds with lumpy mattresses; the bent wood rocking chair in the living room. Those were such simpler times.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Isn't it?
      I really liked it. And he's so proud! And should be.
      It's a very pretty house. And what happened to your aunt's home? Now I'm curious...


    2. Anonymous2/01/2024

      Well it’s been years since I’ve been there. I went to Google maps and according to satellite view it is still a farm. Of her 3 children only one is still alive and he is 96. The other two had children, but none of their kids took up farming. My cousin who farmed the property passed away about 5 years ago. Sadly, I don’t know the current status of the land.

    3. Ohh so it's still a farm!
      And her youngest is 95!!? Such a pity that nobody is taking care of that land, no?


    4. Anonymous2/02/2024

      Actually it’s the oldest who is still alive. The youngest was the farmer. The land may be still be being worked. They could rent it out to other farmers to till and plant.

  4. Very nice! I really like plants (everywhere) and the bathroom.


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