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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bend over backwards
And I'll sit on you!

These are from the darling @astrazero from his naughty Twitter account.

Happy Valentine's, Constant Reader! Celebrate with someone or celebrate by yourself. Remember: practice makes perfect.

Follow him on Insta, if you are not already @astrazero

P. S. This is a direct challenge to the sexphobic Day of Purity promoted by the slut shamers at the hate group Liberty Counsel. Fuck them. Or better, do not. Also, VDay is for rubbing one out. Didn’t you know?


  1. Day of Purity? Hahahaha

    1. You know the xtianists.
      Any day is a good day to be holier than thou...


  2. Anonymous2/14/2024

    Happy Valentines Day babe!

    Day of purity, hahahahahaha. That’s rich! They’ve all probably got affairs going on or they’re pursuing minors.

    Great art work and so appropriate for the day.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Happy Valentine's babes!!
      And you know there's ALWAYS behind the 'pure' exterior when it comes to the religulous.


  3. Roses are okay, Violets are fine, You be the 6, And I'll be the 9.

    Roses are Red, Violets are blue, give me a kiss, and I'll give you a screw.

    Roses are red, Violets are blue, all of my cock belongs to you!

    I'm ready...jump on!!!! Happy Valentine Day cutie pie!!! This is why I adore you, you can get down and naughty. Now sit back Six...Roses are red, Violets are blue, let me give you a rub, and a very good tug. Over and over and over.....

    1. Hahaha
      Loves it!
      And you know I'm slutty. Shhhh...! Don't tell anybody!
      And if I'd let you give me a rug you know it's gonna be more than a tug!


  4. I was already following him on IG. now i'm following him on twitter too.

    1. Yay!
      Oh, his twitter is so much more fun! You know how prudish Instagram is.


  5. Big says,
    Oh, those "christians" are just always at it, aren't they? But, as Huntley says, they never practice what they preach. Plus, remember: Masturbation will never break your heart.
    Roses are red, violets are blue
    We can always share a tug or two.

    1. Oh they never stop.
      It's relentless. And of course they never practice what they preach. It's about control. And you are absolutely right about masturbation!!



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