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Oh, pretzels...?

Full disclaimer: I've done several bisexual men in my life. I somehow managed to specialize in them when I was in my late teens and early twenties. But those were mainly for fun, though. FWB and fuck buddies. It wasn't until after later that I actually got to be in long-time relationships with a bisexual man.

Like with Gay men, there are good Bi men and bad Bi men. And I'm here to tell you that they do not deserve the bad rap they get. It's not Bi now, Gay later for them, BTW. Bi men just happen to like men and women and they can relate and have emotional and sexual connections with both. That's all. 

Are some Bi men sneaky and emotionally unavailable? Yes. So are some Gay men. Are they good in bed? Overall, yes. And take into account that this is just my opinion. But why would you let me tell you about bisexual men when we have Michael and his friends to spill the tea? 


So, do you wanna circle Dodger Stadium and howl for dick?



  1. Hilarious video, as always!

    1. OMG
      I'm always cackling. The puns. The vulgarity. The wit!!


  2. Anonymous2/27/2024

    ***Sitting on the sidelines waiting for the comments to come in 🍿

    1. Big says,
      Can I sit next to you???

      Oh, you two!
      Stop it!



    3. Anonymous2/29/2024

      HuntleyBiGuy: Anytime, Big, anytime. 😎

    4. Big says: 😘😘😘😘

  3. Isn't it more about expectations than anything else?

    1. Well, it's also about biases and about what people think they know about sexuality. But yeah, also expectations, too.


  4. Your asking he if I want to circle and howl for dick???? LMAO!!!

    I can agree with bi men. I had my fair share of both good and bad bi's. And they are good in bed. Never dated one though for too long.....its gets complicated if and when they float back to women. But I do enjoy the sex with them....Lumbersexual and I have excellent chemistry together in and out of bed....but he's also still navigating this new revelation. But Im more that happy to be here to make out, and what other needs "arise" for him. But another I dated...got very sticky. Long story.

    1. Hahaha
      That's what they ask at the end and I'm in!
      I agree Bi men are good in bed. Yes. And it DOES get complicated, especially if they are poly or are in an open relationship. Very complicated.
      And you and the.... LUMBERSEXUAL??
      Oh, Mads. We need some Ki-Ki and some cocktails!


  5. bisexuals are probably privileged, but I'm too focused on the male world. So I have to admit that the first and last time I had to deal with a pussy was the day of my birth.

    1. LMAO!!!! Not even. I didn't even pass through the pus, I was a C-section baby!!!!

    2. LMAOOO
      Oh, you two!!
      God Star Gays, huh?



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