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Oh, Colin...

Oh, the Children are up in arms because the WHCD took place and they wanted it to not happen because of Palestine. Someone please explain geopolitics to them? As in how some things are not done immediately because there are many pieces a work that cannot be stopped even though lives are at stake? Sometimes they get to me but their earnestness and their idealism endear them to me at the same time. Sometimes I do want to slap some sense into them, TBH. Most everybody (except the Xtianists) want for the extermination to stop in Palestine. Most people are not waiting for all the Jews to convert to xtianism (as if!). Most people feel that the eradication of a whole People is not a good thing. Most people.

But this is about a night of humor and satire that require the adults to be present. So here's a taste of what went down at the WHCD, which started with Colin (Scarlett's husband) roasting Uncle Joe and of course, Don Fartleone. It was fun.


P.S. Uncle Joe was awesome.

P.P.S. oh, here's this:

I’m still cackling. 


  1. The NYT gave the event a pass, but then they're really pissed because Biden gave an interview to Howard Stern and not them. In fact, part of their animosity towards Biden comes from the fact that he isn't playing by their rules, and they desperately want to be the only game in town.

    1. Oh, but the NYT felt the sting of Stern because Sulzberger asked his minions to publish stories about Biden's age more and more BEFORE Uncle Joe went on Stern. So Dark Brandon kinda stroke by surprise there.
      I have a beef with the NYT. Maggie Haberman sat on damaging stories about Cheeto just to put them in her book. And she works for the NYT...


  2. I love that last Tweet. Epic.
    Hair Furor refused to attend the event while he was in office because he doesn't like people laughing at him--too late for that--and he is not funny.
    Luckily he won't have the option of attending again.

    1. Hahaha
      Isn't it? I thought it was genius. Funny thing is I was crafting this entry when Huntely sent it to me. LOL
      Oh, Mango Mussolini is a thin-skinned man-baby who cannot take a joke.


  3. ohh so cute he is! Here his bio.

    1. He is cute.
      In a guy-next-door kinda vibe. I would let him.


  4. I didn't know he's married to Scarlett Johansson -- lucky guy!

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, yes. Scarlett is quite the beauty.


  5. Big says,
    The worst thing about the protestors: A good many of them can't tell you WHY or WHAT they are protesting.
    Oh, we watched the WHCD - beginning to end. I thought Uncle Joe was funnier than Jost. (Jost needed photos to hit the punchlines - like he uses on SNL but he hit some funny stuff.) Over all, it was a pretty good evening.
    P.S. Poor, poor Twittler. He sure knows how to push people away --- and that's a good thing!

    1. Protestors are earnest and misguided.
      They already have their narrative set and even though I applaud their efforts, they need to focus them. And the WHCD was funny. I loved how they dunked on Faux News, too!
      And Uncle Joe saying that yes, it was about age cause he was running against a six year old? Burn.


  6. Anonymous4/29/2024

    So far I’ve only seen Colin’s segment. And his closing really hit home. Joe is a good and decent man. That should be the requirement of ALL politicians. Unfortunately far too many are in it for power and money.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, you need to go on YouTube and watch the whole thing. It was good.
      Doocy seemed lost, of course. That dick.
      And it's funny how you sent me that tweet and I was literally posting it here! LOL


  7. The tweet had me in stiches more than anything else!!!!! Tooooo funny. And I'm not too familiar with Colin Jost, as I don't watch SNL...but I always thought he was handsome. I would top him so hard!!!!!! TMI?

    1. Oh, if you're on twitter you need to follow JoJo.
      And Colin is cute in a boy-next-door kinda way. He reminds me of the jocks I used to talk to in high school, ifyouknowwhatImean.
      And hello? You're on this blog. Never TMI.


    2. Big says,
      Weekend Update with Jost and Che is the only good thing about SNL. Sometimes, we'll tune in just for that segment. XOXO

    3. SNL is sometimes a hit and miss for me, too.
      I love it when they have cool musical guests hosting, though..


  8. I didn't know Scarlett liked vanilla pudding so much. Yawn... yeah, not a fan. My apologies... to vanilla pudding.

    1. Hey, I like vanilla pudding...
      And maybe that's why Uncle Joe said that Scarlett was the funny one in the fam...



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