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Oh, For The Love of ...

So I was talking to some of my coworkers during the solar eclipse (we were all out in the lawn, waiting for the moon to do her thing) and one of them said something like: "... move over! Let the middle aged people go through...!" or something like that. We obeyed, and then I was left thinking: Wait, what? THOSE people are 'middle aged'?

So we did some research (as one is wont to do, we went to Google) and found out that the average life span for people in the United States is... about eighty? So, would that mean that we are 'middle aged' at what? Forty??? Now I need to lay down. 

After the reality check I decided to post this today in honor of two of my fav things: DILFS (which apparently is most people over forty??) and of @StormyDaniels, who's goals. Get that #SnoozeCriminal, gurl!



  1. I adore Stormy, and am aware that, gasp, I'm a DILF, too.
    Make way for the middle-aged people!

    1. Same!
      Stormy is fab. And of course you're a DILF. Duh.


  2. Most people are in deep denial about when "middle age" really starts. I know seniors who still insist they are simply middle aged.

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, we were SHOCKED. And I thought seniors were people in their eighties. I'm clueless.


  3. a cute guy (unfortunately straight) told me that having sex with MILFs was an overwhelming experience. Much better than having sex with people his age. I would say the same about DILF. We have more experience! even if we have less testosterone.

    1. Oh course having sex with people older than us is hot.
      And I'm sure that you do not suffer of a lack of testosterone, Xersex. I bet you're a sex machine.


  4. Anonymous4/17/2024

    Stormy is awesome! I hope the 💩 doesn’t fall asleep while she’s testifying.

    So I guess I’m s GDILF? A grandad? 👴🏻 🤪

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      You KNOW Cheeto will huff and puff when they bring Stormy in. I hope she goes into gory details. Oh, yes.
      You're a DILF, babes. Remember, the doggies are your children...


  5. Big says,
    OH, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Don't they know that 50 is the new 30? 😉
    Seriously, though....I know I was much better at it in my 40s. By that time, instead of multiple romps in a day, we've learned how to make it last and count. And, no, it's not like you see in porn. XOXO

    1. LOL
      Yes, apparently! And you know what they say... it's not the number or rumps, but the time you spend romp-ing...


  6. You're so funny! Middle-aged in physical years is 40 ish, maturity age is totally different, as is middle age in appearance. That's why some of us can be old as dirt and only look 80 or 90. 😎😎😎

    1. I was SHOCKED! LOL
      Also, Gen X and Gen Z have DIFFERENT ages for 'middle age'. Go figure.


    2. Big says,
      Gen X and Gen Z may have different ages --- but Mother Nature will always win out. LOL.

  7. 🎵🎶stormy weather🎶🎵🎶 Gloom and misery everywhere🎵🎶🎵 at least for the dump!!!!

    And I realize these shows are for atrention whores and entertainment....but Ill never understand these shows. One cant find love in their real life and require a show to do so??? Look at the history of how long most of them last! Liz Taylor had longer marriages.

    1. Of course these shows are for attention whores!
      I would question my sanity if I'd ever agree to do one, though. It's humiliating at best.
      OMG now I'm gonna be thinking about Liz Taylor the rest of the day!!
      Bad Maddie! LOL


  8. Just curious, what age comes after Daddy or Grand Daddy?

    1. Jon, you're still a DILF.
      That's your title and I won't budge!


  9. I love my over the hill status. I get sr. discounts. I also am constantly being hit on by (ick) 18 year-olds with a daddy complex. I draw the line at 25 and have found that I am most compatible with the 30 and above crowd. So, typically I turn those youngsters down - and they do not take it well. I find that those under the age of 25 have a completely different set of sexpectations. Their hook-up etiquette frequently catches me off-guard. That said... there are exceptions to every rule I make. There's always wiggle room, right? :P Wiggle, wiggle.

    1. Hahahaha
      Oh, please. You'll never be 'over the hill'. And I'm with you, anybody under 30 is not worth my time. Now, a quickie? I may be tempted to consider that....



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