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Oh, getting your hands dirty...?

Oh, I had to post this. I just had.

You know how much I like a woman who works with Power Tools. You probably also know that I'm super intrigued by small spaces and how to get the most out of them, and this video definitely fits that description. I am forever fascinated with people who can build things with their own hands and make it work. Cristina is VERY handy and did a fantastic job with her place. She even chronicled her journey on YouTube

BTW, I'd LOVE to live in Portugal. 


P.S. Follow her projects on her YouTube @GetHandsDirty or follow her on Insta @GetHandsDirty

P.P.S. That may be the size that many can afford here in America, BTW. 


  1. Anonymous4/22/2024

    Such ingenuity! It’s astounding that the corners are not square and she overcame that challenge spectacularly. The way she sets up everything is amazing. I don’t think there’s any wasted space here.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Anonymous4/22/2024

      HuntleyBiGuy: Oh, and that map is misleading. Illinois has so much rural area, compared to metro areas, that is skews the numbers.

    2. Big says,
      NV is the same - prices in the Las Vegas valley and Tahoe are outrageous and skew the statewide average. xoxo

    3. I cannot believe she was able to do all that!!
      The corners not being square was a total surprise (!!) though.
      And the map actually lowballs the prices. It takes much more money to buy anything in Illinois: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/success/home-prices-by-state-income-us-map-dg/index.html


  2. Genial! Brilliant! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 it's the least I can say!

    1. I think so, too!
      Making the most out of the little space they have with those hacks is genius.


  3. What can I say, I'm into size, as in big rooms and tall ceilings. And I have to agree with Huntley, that map is a bit off. What do they consider to be the average cost of an average home?

    1. That also speaks of your level of privilege (but you don't live in a big city, so that allows for getting more for less money). Not everybody can afford big rooms and tall ceilings, even with an ok salary nowadays.
      The map is a bit off: it takes way much more money to buy anything in PA (around $78,000), for example: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/success/home-prices-by-state-income-us-map-dg/index.html


  4. SO ingenious! It really shows the value of planning and custom manufacturing. My fave clever thing is the "parking spot" for the roomba!

    1. Anonymous4/22/2024

      HuntleyBiGuy: that was ingenious!

    2. Oh yes.
      The Devil is in the details of the customization. Leave it to the Lesbians to think about everything!


  5. Big says,
    Damn, she did a great job. It's like everything is "stash-able." Portugal is one of our choices should the asshats win in Nov. XOXO

    1. The level of ingenuity is just amazing.
      And everything is covered, even the ugly utility things. My friends have been to Portugal twice now, and cannot stop talking about how amazing it is. Totally bucket list.


  6. Small spaces always intrigue me to. And it just goes to show these days we don't need all the space that these big places have. After all when we're gone it's not like we can take it with us.

    1. It's fascinating!
      And we do not need McMansions at all. All that wasted space! And you are right, we cannot take anything with us when we leave.... not the three garage car, neither the 'den', or the gift wrapping room...


  7. I love how she crafted the space to fit her needs, and didn't buy a huge space because of her stuff!

    1. It is incredible!
      She also documented everything she did. I've watched several of her videos. I think finding big living spaces in older cities is difficult. I think she mentioned it was a commercial space in another life.


  8. Cristina's a keeper! She can move in with me anytime... my place could use a... well, bulldozer sprang to mind, but let's just say a bit of renovation.

    1. She is!
      So creative! And you know your place just needs Mads' magical touch. I've told you that you should have us over. We could make you over.



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