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Oh, Travis…



Full disclaimer: if a dude who looks like Travis Kelce would decide he wants to bone me, It'd be like, drop trou in no time and I'd climb that man like a tree. No questions asked, no strings attached. There. I said it. The man is sexy.

Now, what kind of fuckery is this? Travis Kelce is an athlete: he trains for performance, not for looks, like the instagays and assorted gay men who live for the camera and starve and dehidrate themselves to look good when they take pics and cannot run a block without getting winded. 

On the other side, Kelce at his 'worst' looks better than 95% of the men I know (I do not know anybody who is an 'influencer', btw). Also, I'd like anybody criticizing him for having a 'dad bod' to publish a full-body picture of themselves in board shorts STAT. Then we could compare their bodies and see who's got the 'best bod'. Sounds fair?

“Social media exacerbates body dysmorphia because it’s so easy to dehumanize online,” he adds. “People and their bodies can be reduced to things strangers can comment on.”

I find it annoying that everybody feels like they have permission to criticize other people's bodies (especially bodies that have not been presented by their owners for comment) and I also find it hypocritical: keyboard warriors never show their faces (or their abs) online. Afraid, much??  Or is it that maybe they do NOT have the bodies they expect others to have? The rule should be: in order to negatively critique somebody's body, you need to show yours, so we know what the deal is. Sounds good?

"...His words to everyone who gets chemical help: “Be honest,” he says. “As a gay man, I will never be in a new closet, so when I started experimenting, I always disclosed when someone in the gym asked about my body, and that resulted in honest conversations.”

“Gym culture can do real harm, and it is up to us to reduce that harm,” he adds. “All harm reduction comes from honesty.” This, he says, means talking about the real, lethal effects of high steroid doses."

And there it is. A very high percentage of the Instagays (especially those who are not Porn Stars) get a ton of help from chemicals. Steroid use runs rampant among the shredded few. Just ask around in your local gym. Very few people are naturally pumped all the time. Very few people can burn calories like it's not a big deal and very few people have been genetically blessed to look like an action movie star 24/7. Have you seen Dean Cain lately?

“I would tell queer people curious about fitness that there’s another side to it that is not about conforming to a cultural narrative,” he says. “That other side is about challenging yourself, connecting with yourself, and connecting with others. That side should not be overlooked.”

And this is not only for queer people: I think that straight men (like Kelce) also find themselves at the other end of the microscope of social media, where their bodies are minced once way and another and examined for 'defects'. Apparently not even celebrated athletes escape this practice.  BTW, remember this is a place in which many, many women find themselves on a daily basis. It's not cute.

I think that Instagram -and social media in general- (and movies and porn) are body image's Kryptonite and a cesspool of fuckery that nobody should take into account. Men in movies and in porn train to be in very good shape because it's their livelihood! Their income depends on how good they look when they stand in front of a camera. NONE OF US (unless there's a reader here who does porn or is an actor) has the time and budget to look shredded and fit 24/7/365. Kelce should have not had to 'apologize' for having a body that under any other circumstances would look great, just because he does not look like Thor while on vacation. Not even Hemsworth looks like Thor all the fucking time

Get a grip, people!


P.S. Here:


  1. People are complaining because in their minds he should have 3% body fat. They'd rather he fit their fantasies, rather than reality's necessities.

    1. And that's what I call fuckery.
      How can an athlete have 3% body fat when playing football? In his position? People are deeply stupid.


  2. You're right -- the whole area of body image, fitness and shaming is a "cesspool of fuckery." It does untold damage in the lives of real people. But until people learn to boycott this ideological nonsense, it will continue.

    1. It is!
      And the damage is real. I refuse to comply. Can I admire the Instagays? I sometimes do. But I'd take a man who looks like Travis over any of them any day.


  3. Anonymous4/11/2024

    There is so much damage done with body shaming. People have died over it. Not everyone has the wherewithal to just say IDGAF. So many people place a lot of value in what others think of them. It’s sad, really.

    I think some of the jealousy with Travis is that he’s got Taylor on his arm. That’s the real issue here, I think.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Absolutely.
      Apart from peer pressure, there's society at large, being an asshole and imposing impossible rules over people. And you may be right: they're tearing him down because he committed the sin of being a great guy being in a relationship with a very cool woman.


  4. As you're aware I had no problem inhaling 14 Shamrock Shakes this year. I like my middle-aged body just the way it is and I'll eat whatever I want.I do general exercises and squats daily...and I'm happy ith what I got. I'm here to enjoy life not be a slave to my body. Besides that , unless you have a body like Travis the other type that have the god-like bodies that we talk about, are probably most likely as you say drug enhanced or medically enhanced. I swear...you can be a whole different person soon with medical enhancements and procedures. I know some guys that are ripped like those influencers and some of them get a winded just from long walks. Not to mention winded in the sheets too!

    And I'll tell you one thing I know... a lot of gay men and bears that. I know are into Travis's brother Jason even more so. Maybe I should invite him and Travis to Bear weekend at the woods! Ill report back on that ...

    1. Hahahaha
      That's why I love ya, Mads!
      Our bodies are hot as they are and fuck the world. And those InstaAdonis are HUNGRY ALL THE TIME and are really not in shape. Nope. I'd rather have Kelce bang me for two hours with that body than one of the InstAdonis running out of gas in ten minutes.
      Oh, Jason is yummy.


  5. F%ck anyone who takes steroids. Seriously. What utter a-holes. To offer that up as something attainable. Special place in hell. I love Rob and he's absolutely right. Lifestyle changes can make a huge difference in how you look and feel... but you're kidding yourself if you think these gym bunnies have attainable physiques. F 'em. I like my old saggy self just fine. I plan on aging as naturally as the finest scotch. Shame on the body shamers? But... that would be hypocritical of me, as I do body shame... those who create unnatural bodies! Especially those who do it in the name of fame and money. F 'em.

    1. Baby cakes, I recall once on your blog your pictures and a few nudes. You got me very hot and bothered. You even did a whole underwear post for me.

    2. It's horrible.
      Steroids wreck the body (and the dick). I'd rather take a dadbod than a shredded fool any day. Also, dadbods are more often than not awesome in bed, so...


    3. And I also remember those nudes, Mads...
      Yes, I do.


  6. First off, the keyboard klaptraps are a dime a dozen. It's like all the women who comment on actresses bodies every time there's a change. Good goddess, STFU. Kelce shouldn't be defending his body. If anything at all he should say, "See you on the field?" Like I've told my wife when she comments on a toned body and wishes she could look like that: "If you had their money, the personal chef, the personal trainer, you could." XOXO

    1. EVERYBODY is a critic behind a keyboard. Everybody.
      And I agree: Kelce should NOT be defending his body. But here we are.
      And I'd rather have a man with his body who spends time with me at the beach than an Adonis who cannot see me 'cause he's got to exercise.


  7. You pretty much covered it and covered it well, Sixpence. Nicely done. I wish I could like those guys but I can't afford $11,000 in steroids and spend all day in the gym. It took me a long time to be happy with my body but I am even more proud that I have worked on my mental health. Keep fighting the good fight.

    1. Nobody can afford steroids, Mr. Shife.
      They are way too expensive and they fuck up your body. And nobody can dedicate hours a day to the gym. We've got lives to live. We should be proud of what we've got, even if it's not Instagrammable.
      And kudos for working on your mental health, Mr. Shife. Now, THAT is an achievement.


  8. "Kelce at his 'worst' looks better than 95% of" men. Yessir! And I bet the men talking the shiz are the slobs in the recliners!
    Let people be themselves.

    1. Isn't that true?
      Kelce looks amazing in the field and yummy in that beach pic. The man is an athlete! None of those typing away their snide comments can eve throw a ball!


  9. Back again.....it occurred to me after talking to my neighbors tonight that Nick our neighbor could be a dead ringer for Travis. Feel free to stop in for a cold one, one night...we'll watch him mow the lawn..

    1. Anonymous4/12/2024

      Viewing party at Maddie’s!

    2. Oh, hunny!
      I am deffo taking a trip. I'd most definitely like to watch him mow the lawn. And I may even try to drop by and ask for a cup of sugar...


  10. https://www.instagram.com/mattxiv/ is so cute!


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