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Oh, Mike and Aaron...?

Oh, yes. That question many have about May/December pairings: why?

Well, just listen to Mike and Aaron and you'll get some answers. It’s better when you get first person accounts on. I think that all relationships require work (Yes, honey. Even awesome sex requires negotiation and... some work!) but when we get in a relationship that the rest of the world sees as 'quirky' or 'unusual', the pressure goes up. Especially if there's age added to the mix.

Full disclaimer: when I was young. I dated men who were ten and fifteen years older than I was at the time and I did not bat an eyelash. Did that for YEARS. 



  1. Anonymous6/07/2024

    This is such a wonderful story. Two people who found each other as PEOPLE, they enjoy each other’s company, and fall in love. They went into the relationship with their eyes wide open and are having the time of their lives. Good for them!

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Isn't it?
      They really seem to care about each other. They knew what they wanted and got it. What's wrong with that??


  2. They have a beautiful love story -- and proof that age is irrelevant to it. I enjoyed watching this video, thanks for posting it!

    1. Oh, age is irrelevant if there's love.
      Seriously. And you're welcome!!


  3. I've always been drawn to older. My first relationship... he was twenty years older than I was. It's about the individual, not the age. It's about the texture of a human being. I'm attracted to so many different types... and I am grateful that I've remained open to developing appreciation for a wide range of types. I sort of get mad when I see someone who has defined their wants in another down to a narrow age range or specific body type. It's their loss. There's so much beauty to be appreciated in the world of men... why limit yourself? Kizzes.

    1. It is!
      If the man is the kind of man you like and you two click. That's it. And I also am kinda type-less. I've dated men that could not be more different because that would make one of them a Martian.
      Narrowing down our likes or wants is dumb.


  4. Big says,
    How cute are they??? Good for them. Yes, all kinds of things begin to crop up as we age - it's all in how you handle them. It's attitude. And it's apparent Mike refuses to become the cranky old guy. XOXO

    1. Adorable.
      They're adorable. And nobody must become a cranky old guy!


  5. Hell....my parents had 23 years age difference. And I and Warbucks have 19 years. And he is still a two fuck man in the night!!!! And I myself am 13 older than the Lad. Age? bah. Means nothing.

    1. Not unusual.
      My granny was like twenty one years younger than my grandpa! And Warbucks sounds as delicious as he looks...
      Age means nothing. You're correct.


  6. I think if the two people are happy, who cares?
    Love is hard to find, and even harder to keep ...

    1. THANK YOU!
      And that's what people tends to forget because they are VAPID.


  7. I've never had a problem with age.

    1. Same.
      I think you need to try the man and see if it works.
      If it works, age ain't nothing...



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