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Oh, Olivier...!

I think Oliver is a success story like very few I've seen. Forty, immensely talented and at the helm of a couture house like Balmain? Hunny, I feel like an underachiever. Yes, very that.

I think that when you are at that level, though, your house is going to reflect both your creativity andyour wealth but also your outlook. Don't you think? It's not like he lives in the suburbs in a subdivision built in 2022....



  1. Big says,
    Beautiful reuse of an industrial space. I wish he would've concentrated on the space rather than the things he's collected to put in it. An indoor pool? Yes, please! And I love all the plants - even the palm tree. XOXO

    1. Oh, it's a fantastic space.
      It feels expansive. And I think those things he put in are like the little antique cameras I find in flea markets for me: they have meaning to him.
      And that palm tree!!!!!! I'd die.


  2. Stunning....but I don't understand the chic commercial hotel feel of homes. I kid not....i stayed in a hotel that was very reminiscent of his house. Stunning...but for a stay. But I love the dark moody vibe.

    Now tell Oliver to send down the bell hop to receive my luggage.

    1. I know right?
      I think it's a kind of aesthetic that I admire but find a little cold to live in myself. I need more warmth. But yes, staying in a place like this? LUXE!


  3. How did I miss this post?
    Unbelievable that it used to be a factory!
    That main room is gorgeous.
    It's a lot, but a lot of it I love.

    1. Oh, the space is fantastic.
      I'd push a bitch downstairs for that.
      It is a LOT. But fab, no?


  4. LOL. Oh, my... posing is fun. I don't know that I would dedicate my life to it, though. Strikes me as narcissistic. And successful? Well, yes... by the standards of some. I don't know that I agree. He's forty with a face full of botox and a bad lip job. The place is beautiful... but it's a place filled with things. Everybody has that, or can. Quite frankly, I think you, my dear, are way more successful than this poor soul. Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha.
      Thanks, Upton! I am a little successful, TBH.
      And I think he is indeed successful. It's something that does not happen often in the rarefied environment of haute couture, for real. And I agree about the narcissism. I think it comes with the talent.
      I love the place. And you know we fill our places with things (I have too many). What we differ is in the kind of things we fill them with. Right?



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