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Oh, the prosecutor and the felon ...?

Listen to Brian, folks... FOCUS!
Listen and vote Blue no matter who. 

P. S.: such a honorable man...

P. P. S. Dave was right. He said uncle Joe was gonna drop out of the race..

But I think that the media, rich donors and some stupid Dems did this. Hope they’re happy. 

BTW, within a few hours of Kamala being announced as Presidential candidate she got donations (she's the only one who can use the War Chest the Dems have). She's in it to win it. LFG!


  1. Yes, there's no time to waste.

    1. Absolutely.
      I mean, the MAGAts are going to come full speed with the racism and bigotry, so...


  2. And let us hope that the Time cover comes true.

    PS. NOW who has the oldest AND I might add, deranged candidate?

    1. Hahaha
      I know, right? Cheeto is old AND senile. They must be pissed!


  3. "I think that the media, rich donors and some stupid Dems did this. Hope they’re happy."

    I think Joe did the right thing, though I am sad about it; I'm hoping he gets the respect he deserves at the convention and after, and that Kamala and whomever she chooses as he running mate, work to complete his agenda.

    I stand with Kamala, but I also still stand with Joe.


    1. Oh, I blame the MSM.
      Totally. And Joe put country before pride. Very few people would have done that. It's a testament to his character and patriotism.
      I stand with both of them, too.


  4. Anonymous7/22/2024

    It was a gut-wrenching weekend. Not the news I was hoping for, but the very difficult decision was made. Like Rick said, Joe Biden will go down in history as a great president. He dedicated his life to this country, imperfect as he was, and as the country is. No one deserves our undying gratitude, more than Joe. #LFG indeed.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, when you texted me he had dropped... It was sliding slowly down the wall for me.
      But Biden is going to leave a great legacy (the MSM is NOW talking about everything he has done, of course). And of course he was not perfect. No politician is...


  5. The MSM would like to think they were responsible, like the Republicans, they go played. And don't take my word for this, but I do believe yesterday was the best fund raising day in the history of the Democratic party. That's an indicator on how much America hates the Republican party and Donald Trump.

    1. Oh, I blame the media.
      Silver lining? The Repugs got played big time. And yes! Kamala raised MILLIONS and got the endorsement of everybody who mattered. And Cheeto is looking for ways to squirrel out of the debate. Win.


  6. I'm proud of Joe Biden. History will remember him as a great president and an honorable man. He put the country and the party ahead of personal ambition and he deserves our respect and gratitude. I was all in for Biden, and I'll be all in for Harris!

    One great thing I read last night was that the Republicans spent their whole convention denigrating and attacking Joe Biden...and now he's not the candidate! They wasted all that time and money! Ha!

    1. Same.
      He is a great example of president. And you are right, he put the country first and that is a very honorable position.
      And I cackled with I read that second part. All that money and all that time the spent in the RNC and the object of their hatred ... is not running. LOL.
      Love it.


  7. Yup. It was the stupid congressional members who caused this -- and the media that wouldn't let up. Because of them, he never would have won. So, Uncle joe did what he had to do. he's most honorable politician the country has ever seen.
    I think Harris will clean Cheeto's clock. I hope so, anyway. He's already running scared. The youngsters have woken up!

    1. Oh, the spineless Dems carrying water for big money.
      I hope they pay for it. Uncle Joe was awesome as president. And Harris is gonna put Cheeto in his place. She seems to have a whole new generation of voters behind her...


  8. Anonymous7/22/2024

    Karma via Kamala ! :)
    I’m disappointed by the treatment given President Biden by some of his fellow democrats, let alone the abuse he has endured from the maga republicans and our lax media. I hope they’re all happy, and now they will get their so deserved comeuppance.:)

    1. LOL
      Yes! And some Dems were absolutely rude to Uncle Joe. All for money.
      And the media? Deplorable. I hope there's pieces now about how Cheeto is the OLDEST person to run for president?


  9. Super excited and glad Joe came to see the light. Can't wait for that first debate. I couldn't watch Joe in action because the cringe factor was too strong. I knew exactly what was going to happen and it wasn't going to be good. They say being president ages one ten years in four. And Joe showed his age. Kamala has an opportunity here... I hope she is brass as balls, tells it like it is, and meets the orange ogre head on. That reality show clown needs to go down for the count.

    1. Well, it was sad that he had to leave that way.
      But I am also looking forward to see what Cheeto does now that he's not debating a man his age. Kamala does have an opportunity and I think she'll take Cheeto down. She was a prosecutor...



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