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Oh, Top 101?

Do you know when I lost it? The moment the sage came out. 
Lost it. I could not stop laughing.

Also, I think there's Top Privilege. Fight me.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I always find it interesting that the top privilege people are the biggest wimps when the chips are down. I myself prefer to be versatile. I wasn't always though when I came out I was mostly a bottle but then switched to a top later. The video cracked me up because it could be the lad and I . It reminds me of me and the lad. I told him he had to learn to top because I like flipping. We got there, but he will always be my insatiable bottom. But why didn't I think of the sage thing?!

    1. Well, I agree.
      Being vers is quite amazing, IMHO. I think that would be the way to go. And that video is a riot. The sage had me rolling.


  3. Anonymous7/12/2024

    “Bottoms: the most sacred of animals.” So true. And the burrito?!?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Anonymous7/12/2024

      HuntleyBiGuy: And top privilege absolutely exists.

    2. Hahahaha
      I know right? And of course top privilege exists. Just look at the apps...


  4. Anonymous7/12/2024

    I always find it interesting that the top privilege people are the biggest wimps when the chips are down. I myself prefer to be versatile. I wasn't always though when I came out I was mostly a bottle but then switched to a top later. The video cracked me up because it could be the lad and I . It reminds me of me and the lad. I told him he had to learn to top because I like flipping. We got there, but he will always be my insatiable bottom. But why didn't I think of the sage thing?!


  5. Okay, I'll be saying "too much cat" all day long and for no reason.


      I know, right? Oh, the morsels of wisdom this gives...


  6. Anonymous7/12/2024

    Sorry about that. For some reason on three blogs Im having a terrible time commenting.

  7. Big says,
    Then there are those of us who don't do either. Does that make us ultra-privileged?? 😉 XOXO

    1. LOL
      Well, I think we're going to have to come with a descriptor, then..


  8. Replies
    1. Heh.
      Glad you thought so! And nobody had a nose piercing! Yay!


  9. Funny! And so true. I agree with Anonymous and Miss Maddie... it's like they are the same person! Wait. It's like we are all the same person! Which brings me to my point... I, even at my age, am able to go with the flow... if I like the guy and he suddenly needs to be a bottom? As long as he's done his prep (in so many ways) I'm still his gay. Yes... I adore taking it, but I give as good as I get. And I think that's the mind frame we should all adopt. This Top Bottom thing? I kind of laugh at it the way I used to laugh at the leather clones posing at the bar. I get it. It's a look. And it works. It's fun to play dress up... but identifying as strictly a Top or a Bottom? That's dress up, too. That's a role. That's costuming. And, as we all know... to be a really successful actor, one must be versatile. One must be able to wear many hats. And play multiple roles if required. As long as we all get our cookies at the end of the show... I'm good with whatever. Kizzes.

    1. I sort of lost my point... the point is - we are all the same person. Simply be willing to be flexible with one another... we all have the same needs and desires. Sometimes we're an innie - sometimes we're an outie.

    2. I agree.
      I think being vers is the best way to go through life. But I do know people who really prefer (and feel most comfortable) being one or the other. And I think that the whole leather scene is more about the idea of the fetish than actual roles, no?



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