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Oh, Fuck, Marry, Kill, 60s Kitchen edition...?


A kitchen! Oh, I KNOW you have thoughts about this one...

You know what to do...


P.S. I do have opinions about the updates, but... is it bad that I actually dig the original color scheme sans the wallpaper? 


  1. The originally color scheme is nice, and a parquet floor! Have you any idea how much money a parquet hardwood floor costs these days?

  2. Noz loses me at "whimsy." And her floor is bad and her carved cabinetry is a joke. Do not get me started on her voice. KILL.
    Kat takes a small kitchen, and instantly takes away a third of the cabinetry for a door, and then loses more cabinetry for shelves and a giant stove, and puts it all on concrete floors--terrible for your feet--in a room where you're always standing. FUCK her.
    Hema. The floor is too busy for a small space; the sconces are not for a kitchen. Love the all-drawers idea, though. MARRY her and then immediately file for divorce and demand she take that tile off the floor when she goes.

  3. Kill the so-called whimsical one... omg. Can you imagine walking into that mess feeling a bit hungover? Yes... that is how I judge my kitchen spaces. I also don't like the one with all the blonde wood. It feels claustrophobic and overwhelms the space. I like the open-ended one. YES. Let the the light in! And it looks practical. I don't need a lot of cupboard space. For what? I like to eat fresh. I use the same bowl, cup, and silver for everything. That is the one for me, if I were to marry at all.

  4. Big says,
    Kill Noz and Hema both. Oy! Busy and busy and busy and...ugh! I'd marry Kat despite the concrete floor - they ARE tough to stand on, but an apartment is most likely on a concrete slab, anyway. Love the door! Not a fan of the shelving replacing cabinets (trendy shit again) but it does open up the room and she didn't get rid of all the upper cabinets. So, yeah. Marry.

  5. Noz just needs killed!!! Everything she does is just crazy and way out there. Hema and Kat's weren't toooooo bad. I generally like Kat and her designs. Her addition to the door and window surround was genius. More natural light and would give the appearance of a bigger space, not to mention another exit. She is the winner baby. Hema shantay you stay. Now Noz...sashay away.


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