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Oh, Kevin...!

Ok, here's the thing: I love when people mix 'old and new'. It makes for fab dynamics and interesting juxtapositions. And when it comes to decor, that may be the magic bullet. And here steps Kevin, with this week’s home. And this is in Atlanta, a big city, btw. I don't like the South, but I think Hotlanta is ok.

I really like this color scheme and the idea that wallpaper does not have to be boring (or grandmotherly). It also makes the best of an open plan apartment (It can be a struggle) and the idea that walls can be your friends. I know, groundbreaking. 



  1. Anonymous9/23/2024

    I really like his apartment. He appointed it well. Like you I like the old and new concept, especially since a lot of the older items have personal meaning to him.

    I do question the wisdom of the white furniture in the living room with the dogs. But that’s just me.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  2. Big says,
    He's done a nice job. I wouldn't want white furniture --- not because of a dog, but because it gets to looking filthy real fast. I'd have to bring someone in to clean it all the time, like every week!


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