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Oh, Mr. DeAngelis…


It’s always the self hating idiots. And it's always the self-hating xtianist conservative idiots. And if you had any questions, he cause real damage to the school system in Texas...

And as per course, then the internet comes up with the receipts.

He's giving Aaron Schock, of course.

Two dicks together. It's a gay porn trope.


P. S. Huntley sent me a message with a tweet about this asshole when I was composing this post. That man can still read my mind. Also, did you have a gay porn blog doing investigative journalism in your bingo card?

Yeah, that’s Vivek. 


  1. Not surprised; the biggest homophobes are often the biggest queers trying to stay hidden.

  2. I guess gay porn didn't pay as much as MAGA.

  3. Anonymous9/25/2024

    What’s the phrase? Young, dumb, and full of cum, that’s it. When will they learn that the Internet is forever? That’s why I’ll never run for public office. 🙃


  4. LOVE IT! Wow. Do you think that skank Ted Cruz (perfect gay porn name) gave it a yank? Asked to see it? Well, thanks for showing the goods on this one. That was exhaustive. I love it when the get their CUM-uppance! I just can't imagine being so stupid. Maybe the dude is right... maybe the public school system made him into a big gay porn star homo? Nature vs. nurture. I am nurturing me some karma gotcha, beyotch! Kizzes.

  5. Well, by golly, I think he's been featured on a blog I know about. LOL.
    As one Twitter comment put it: I don't care that he's done porn --- gay or otherwise --- what bothers me is the hypocrisy. Did he really think he'd continue to get away with the Rose, er, I mean Ruse?
    But, you know what I love about this kind of thing? That the Republicans never bother to vet their poster bois.

    1. He probably blew some of them!!!!!!!

  6. As soon as I see a quote from trump on someone's home page as bragging rights you know he's going to be an idiot.! What what a shock! I bet the revelation is sending the right wing nuts running far from him.

    I would love to give him a real angry fucking but he might enjoy it...so I wouldn't touch him to scratch him. Nice cock or not.


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