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oh, the sound AND the fury...?

I'm just going to leave this here....

Because when you know,  you know.


P. P. S. Wanna bet MAGA is in disarray?

Color me surprised.

Do want!

I do kinda want him to fuck me on top of his desk. He may keep the suit on. 



  1. Let the dogs 'n cats cuisine memes begin!

    1. Well, I believe the internet heard you. LOL
      One quick search will have you in stitches!


  2. Stewart again nails it.

    1. He fails to concede when Harris nails it, but overall, yes.
      Steward has become one of those both-siders that contributed to Uncle Joe stepping down.


  3. Anonymous9/11/2024

    The clips from The Daily Show are damning for 💩. Kamala’s reactions are priceless. She teed him up perfectly and just sat back and watched him unravel. **Chef’s kiss**

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. The clips from any place that knows that Cheeto lies and rants incoherently are damming for DonOld.
      Kamala telegraphed his idiocy. And millions were with her.


  4. Big says,
    Oh the entire program was delectable. Harris baited the hook, he bit, and she reeled him in. She filleted him so well, he even went into the Spin Room ***himself*** afterward --- while she went to a watch party and spoke. It was all very entertaining.
    P.S. Stewart is correct though: The debate will not change a thing. We need to VOTE!

    1. The first five minutes were ok.
      From then on, Cheeto was unspooling faster and faster. Oh, and HE had to go to the spin room to tell everybody he did fantastically. LOL Poor fool. Once outside of his echo chamber, the world shouts back at him what a stupid fool he is.
      And the idiots will vote for him.


    2. Big says,
      I loved that when he first entered the Spin Room everyone ignored him. He even attempted to wave one reporter over and she turned her back on him!!! LOL. So, that's when he took to just....talki---, er, spewing that poll bullshit.

  5. Replies
    1. It was a SNL skit come to life.
      People in public places watching the debate laughed out loud at thim.


  6. Anonymous9/11/2024

    My trumpite relations felt she baited him, I said, “GOOD !
    The prosecutor and the felon, what did you expect ?! “ the room then fell silent. :) -Rj

    1. Oh, I command your control.
      And of course she baited him. His skin is onion paper thin.


  7. Yuck. IF I watch the news its ABC Nightly New...but David Miur gets on my fucking last nerve. I wanted to bitch slap him and his weakness last night with the dump. Lindsay went after the dump more and called his ass out....David let to much pass...I d cut his ass off. And I'm far from a Taylor Swift fan, but I don't dislike her... but holy s*** when she endorsed Harris? I think I heard every Republican take a s*** this morning.

    1. The southern fried sénatrice Lindsey will go back and support Trumpy like he always does. :(
      Now Trumpy is crying about the press and how the debate was so unfair to him, just like the spoiled and soiled rich bastard he is. -Rj

    2. Babes, David is only gonna talk when I tell him to talk.
      And you know DonOld barely lets a word in. He spewed so much shit it was hard to keep up.
      And I had no idea Swift was that... eloquent?

      And Lady G is an idiot. And she'll do whatever Cheeto wants because Vlad has Kompromat on her, so...


    3. Fuck that cow Lindsay Graham. I was referring to Lindsay Davis. I think she grilled and got testy with the dump more than David. He let the dump cut him off too much. Lindsay was fooling. lol!!!!!

  8. Dear Jen O'Malley Dillon - please refrain from issuing official comments with 'centered' body. It is not professional looking. Hey, gurl... this is not a blog on the google, okay? Nice to see Stewart back. I watched the whole thing. There was so much to tackle, he barely scratched the surface. My big cheese? The media kept hyping this thing like it was a heavy weight boxing match. As I see it, Kamala won with several TKOs. But my view is not shared by Marco Rubio, who had the audacity to come on national television and tell us that Trump clearly won and that everything out of Kamala's mouth was a lie and that the moderators were unfair. Really? Trump talked for 20 more minutes than Kamala. All the moderators did was give him the rope to hang himself, which he did, like a 14 year old boy experimenting with auto erotic asphyxiation. Thank you ABC. Oh, and as to the three 'undecided' folks who they interviewed after they had watched the debate? Really? You're still undecided? Really? Come one, gurls. I think you just like the attention. But, hey... you play this your way, you sick f*cks. Kizzes.

    1. I thought the second she mentioned the crowd sizes Cheeto was lost.
      And she went in, again and again. As you said, several TKOs. Several.
      She was prepared. He was huffing and puffing.
      Little Marco can suck my dick as soon as he finds a spine.

      'Undecided' people make me feel violent.



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