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... et tu, Miss Jackson...?

... and then we learned why...

Apparenlty, Randy is a Cheeto supporter... *rolls eyes*

That was a blow. contrary to Chapel Wrong, I have been a longtime Janet fan. I think she was a pioneer when she came up with Control, and a social justice warrior in the making with Rhythm Nation. She influenced pop culture, fashion and talked about social change for years. She dedicated a song to a friend who died of AIDS. She talked about spousal abuse. But now I realize that along with fame and money she may be nothing but one more low-information voter. One so detached from reality that the simplest innuendo or misinformation may become what directs their voting.  And here's the thing: low information voters are out there. And low-information voters can have a significant impact on election outcomes in several ways:

1. Susceptibility to cues and heuristics: Low-information voters often rely on simple cues or shortcuts to make voting decisions, rather than detailed policy knowledge. This can include factors like a candidate's personal appeal, party affiliation, or endorsements from celebrities[1][3]. These superficial factors may sway their votes more than substantive policy positions. (Here's where Randy comes in with the ‘she’s Indian’ bit.)

2. Potential for manipulation: Due to their limited political knowledge, low-information voters may be more susceptible to misinformation, propaganda, or misleading campaign messaging. This can make them targets for political campaigns seeking to influence their votes through emotional appeals or simplified messaging[2]. (Janet has some stake in the election: she's a high earner, but apparently she lives out of the country for a big chunk of the year. Randy, on the other hand seems up to date with the latest MAGA bullshit.)

3. Swing vote potential: Low-information voters tend to have more moderate ideological views and are more likely to be swing voters. They are also more inclined to split-ticket voting. This makes them a potentially decisive bloc in close elections[3]. (I don't think Janet would be voting for Cheeto, but I could be wrong... and I’m sure many fans would give credit to her opinions, and this seems to be a close election, so…)

4. Underrepresentation of certain groups: Research has shown that low-information voters are more likely to come from certain demographic groups, such as younger, lower-income, and minority populations. This information gap can lead to policies that cater more to better-informed segments of the electorate, potentially skewing political outcomes[4]. (Well, duh. I cannot forgive a famous, middle aged, rich woman for being low-information: Janet, dear, you DO own a phone, right???)

5. Voting based on limited issues: Some low-information voters may focus intensely on a single issue while being uninformed about other important policy areas. This can lead to voting decisions based on an incomplete picture of candidates' platforms[1]. (Randy may have influenced Janet based on money, honey. He's greedy. So he went for the ‘she’s not Black’ angle.)

6. Lower turnout: Low-information voters are generally less likely to vote at all. However, when mobilized effectively, they can significantly impact election results, as seen in recent presidential elections[2]. (I was wondering if she even votes, for real)

7. Difficulty in "voting correctly": Low-information voters may struggle to accurately determine which candidate or party best represents their interests, potentially leading to votes that don't align with their actual preferences[3]. (This is actually self-explanatory, Miss Jackson.)

I think that while the impact of low-information voters can be concerning for democratic processes, it's important to note that even voters with limited political knowledge can still make meaningful contributions to elections,  but in THIS election, it's a luxury few can allow themselves. She could have said she 'didn't know enough' to talk about the topic, or just say that she needed to do her 'research'. But no. She went for the conspiracy theory. The challenge lies in finding ways to better inform and engage these voters to enhance the quality of democratic representation and I believe that after this brouhaha Mis Jackson may have a much clearer idea about the actual race of Kamala Harris. Not that the damage is not done, mind you.

Will that change her vote? I'm not sure. She may have made up her mind based on her income or on how her family votes (Hello, Chapel).  But one thing is probably certain: she's going to consult with her PR firm before she opens her mouth again in a public forum. This was a disaster.

The only thing that came out of this fiasco is that I will not be seeing her in Vegas next year. My birthday gift was going to be tix to go see one of the shows of her Vegas residency and now I don't feel like going. I'm very disappointed in her. Will that affect her? Of course not. Don't be silly. It was going to be four of us, for about $250 a pop. That's nothing to her. 

But if there's one hundred fans that feel the same, it may be something. Because these were not really VIP or First Row tix. Her VIP packages are $800 and up. I could not do that. But one hundred thousand less dollars may be something somewhere.

Very disappointed.



[1] https://www.goodguyssigns.com/blog/low-information-voters-election-impact/ 

[2] https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-south/among-americas-low-information-voters 

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_information_voter 

[4] https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/voters-knowledge-political-news-varies-widely-study-shows 

[5] https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/49987-disengaged-voters-role-2024-election-biden-trump-poll 

[6] https://ozeanmedia.com/political-consulting/its-not-a-low-information-voter/ 

[7] https://bipartisanpolicy.org/explainer/who-voters-trust-election-information-2024/ 

[8] https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1007420107  


  1. I've never been a Janet fan, she doesn't really write a song, she performs a song dozens of other people have written. Let's be honest, the Jackson's have always been wacked. I don't doubt that if Michael were alive, he, too, would be a big Trump supporter... yes, he was that weird.

  2. No one has ever accused any of the Jacksons of being intellectual giants.

  3. Anonymous10/07/2024

    I think that she falls under #6 - she won’t vote. However, the damage is done. She used her soapbox to disseminate false information and you know others will run with that.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  4. First off: what Debra said!
    Second off: what Huntley said!
    Lastly: what you said: "I realize that along with fame and money she may be nothing but one more low-information voter. One so detached from reality that the simplest innuendo or misinformation may become what directs their voting."

    And finally, maybe that family just has the one brain between them all and so they spew whatever that brain says to spew.

  5. The Jackson family has long been removed from reality and life as most of us know it. They have lived in a bubble all their lives and you must remember that that bubble's genesis is dysfunction on a scale few survive unscathed. Fame is a funny thing. It creates people we admire, but it also creates monsters. Most of the Jackson boys? Monsters. The way they treated their fans, even in the early days, as they were working their way through their adolescence was nothing short of horrific. That attitude springs from the father, Joe, the sower of so much of the family's dysfunction. Their sense of privilege and entitlement has always been out of sync with what they had to offer the world. So, small wonder that they identify with the orange ogre. I love Janet. Always will. I thought she was the one who'd escaped. But when her career went south after the super bowl incident, I guess she got pulled back in. Pity. This doesn't make me angry. It makes me sad. Those Jackson boys are sick f*cks.

  6. Big says,
    I was never much of a Janet fan. I mean, yeah, there were those two albums but not much else. Like upton, I thought she was the sane one, the one who escaped the whacked sense of the world. But, alas! she proves she hasn't.
    As for her residency...well, Resorts World has been nailed for money laundering and skimming. She could find herself being canceled if the Gaming Control Board comes down hard on them (which they should). If they do, the only thing they'll have is the hotel, showroom, and restaurants...the casino will be an eerie ghostland.


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