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Oh, at 4 Degrees...?

This past weeks have been nerve-wrecking. Even though I do know people in Florida (I'm not perfect) they were all out of harm's way during both hurricanes. But I'm sure a ton of people were not. Sending good vibes.

Now, what irks me is how MAGAts are making this situation even more difficult, while doing nothing to remediate it (and even voting AGAINST improving the country's overall response to this kind of tragedy and against education that could help prevent this kind of disaster!). Ugh. Hate them all. This is yet another thing at stake this election. 

And BTW, it's only gonna get worse....



  1. Ignorance and superstition are the MAGA cult's response to everything.

    1. OMG
      That and conspiracy theories. The abysmal level of ignorance in some people boggles the mind.


  2. They refuse to believe climate change is real and that it's caused by man but they believe Democrats can control the weather.
    How the eff do you fight that kind of ignorance?

    1. Oh, absolutely.
      Thing is, many of them are hyper religulous and hope the end of the world is near, so....
      It's impossible to fight that kind of stupidity, babes. Impossible.


  3. Anonymous10/21/2024

    These models are truly frightening for sane individuals. One of the things I would like to see is the effect on some of the inland waters, like the Great Lakes. Currently the St. Laurence river flows from the lakes to the Atlantic. How will this sea rise affect the flow of the river? Will it be big enough to reverse the flow?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Terrifying.
      Absolutely scary. And I'm not sure how the sea levels will affect rivers, tbh.
      The deltas are going to be a disaster zone.


    2. Parts of the St Lawrence River, especially its east end, will become more saline with the intrusion of seawater as sea levels rise. Which in turn will affect weather patterns in that area, more corrosion of structures and threaten fresh water supplies. But don’t tell the Magas, they’re too tied up in their big lie narratives and conspiracies to deal with reality. -Rj

  4. They are making it far worse because they will never believe they were wrong. It will be necessary for them to die off before any real change comes.

    1. Oh, they will die to 'own the libs'.
      Many did during the pandemic. Many will do when the sea levels rise.


  5. Big says,
    Oh, the lyin' NOAA??? They're going to shut that thing down so nobody has to hear about this bullshit again. They're going to shut down the Dept. of Education so, even if information leaks out from some clandestine organization, the populace will be too stupid to understand any of it. Doesn't that solve the issue? I mean, if you ignore it, it goes away, right?
    P.S. We voted BLUE yesterday all the way down the ticket. And our county has broken the previous 2020 records for early voting. xoxo

    1. They believe in Magical Thinking.
      A whole generation will grow up with a very sketchy, incomplete understanding of the most basic concepts in history, biology and geography.


  6. When Florida ends up the whole state basically being a swamp, I'm sure us Dems will be blamed for that too.

    1. Well, duh.
      You know the Repugs NEVER take responsibility for ANYTHING.


  7. Yes... the orange ogre and his little puppet boy both managed to give non-answers when questioned about the truth of global warming. Really? Yes. In this day and age. Seems they will do nothing to upset their base... like, you know... telling the truth. I don't know. I feel sorry for anyone living on a coast or on the great lakes... there's already way too many of us on this planet... I can't imagine how people will behave when we end up all scrunched up on less and less land. Ugh. Well... I won't be here to see it... I hope. I hope.

    1. ANY Repug will dodge the question.
      They don't want to upset their Q-Anon/Religulous minions. I we will probably not be here when earth becomes one more Hunger Games sequel. This time for real.



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