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Oh, James and Stuart...?

Now, this is the kind of house I would like to have. Yes, I love apartments, but I have not ruled out completely maybe having a house? When I grow up, I may consider getting one. I know it's a lot of work, but by then I may be in a headspace that would allow me to McGyver my way around it.

And turning a blank canvas into something as beautiful as this is the kind of transformation I live for. I love the sense of joy the colors bring to the space, too. I also like that the house seems to be so much fun. And I want that bathtub. Now, on to the frivolous part: I covet both James and his backyard for myself. And no, that's not a metaphor...



  1. 45 minutes long was way too much time, I did skip through it, and some of it seems nice.

  2. Big says,
    At first it seemed too dark for me, but then is grew on me and seemed to lighten up. Maybe it was the lighting the film crew used. I agree with you on that tub! What a great idea which enabled him to keep the vintage piece. This is going to sound a bit weird...but it's the garden that felt too crowded. LOL.

  3. I hope you don’t mind that I scanned through it. 45 minutes was too much for me. Looks beautiful. Whenever we’ve had a grand house, we would see a grand apartment and think, “Oh wouldn’t that be nice.” Whenever we’ve had a grand apartment, we’d see a grand house and say “Oh, wouldn’t THAT be nice.” We’ve had enough houses to not seriously want that anymore, although I still fantasize.


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