Oh, you mean X-Rated...?
Ok, so this looks like it would be a ton of fun? You put a group of gay men together and you know the shenanigans will not be too far behind. Add to that the fact that they are (very successful) porn stars and you've got a very good formula for more than shenanigans. The Real World didn't know what it was unleashing on us in 1992 because suddenly, people's voyeurism jumped to the forefront.
And I would watch. Absolutely. As an ethnographic study, I think it would be interesting and it's fascinating that we also get to see several ethnicities, sexualities and body types at the same time, something we usually don’t get, ironically, in porn. And of course there's beefcake: after all, it's gay porn stars. It's on Prime video, btw. I don't have Prime (because I’ve never felt that urge) but if you do, have me over. I'll bring the popcorn ...
P.S. Oh, you should add @OUTtv to your follows.... and to see the link, you need to be logged on insta cause Meta is homophobic...
ReplyDeleteOh man that DOES look like a great show. I’m in the same boat as you, no Prime. As a matter of fact I’m canceling my YouTube TV subscription after a $10/month rate hike and subscribing to several services that will give me my network shows (Paramount+/CBS, Peacock/NBC, Hulu/ABC & Fox) for about half of what I pay YouTube TV. I RARELY watch anything live anyway. Plus there’s additional programming that they offer.
XOXO 👨🏼❤️💋👨🏽
It's absolutely fluffy but it does look like fun.
DeleteAnd I only have Netflix and Hulu. And have a LONG queue waiting for my Spring Break.
I only subscribe to 5 services and some of those subscriptions are seasonal. Oh, and I'm not into voyeurism; never watched The Real World.
ReplyDeleteSeasonal subscriptions sounds very smart.
DeleteAnd you may actually be into voyeurism, if I'm to trust your Instagram feed...
Hmmm... hot guys, with the personalities of toddlers. Gee... what a great way to embrace the community. Hard pass for me. Tired of people behaving like a-holes to get on television. It's tired. Tired television. Done on the cheap and creating a glut of celebrity wannabes. Cheap and sleazy entertainment. Not how I would hope the community would EVER be represented. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Kizzes.
ReplyDeleteWell, duh.
DeleteThey are hot and they are in porn. Were you expecting outmost maturity? And I think 'reality' TV has its limits, too. And I don't think they are representative of the community because this is a niche channel. Only gay people would watch...
Big says,
ReplyDeleteIs it ***really*** X-Rated? I somehow get the feeling that Prime isn't showing anything explicit. But I could be wrong. But, gotta say, reality TV like that isn't my thing; no Real Housewives of any city. The closest I get is HGTV and Home Town, or sometimes Drew and Jonathan.
Now, if someone reports back I'm wrong, let me know! LOL
Oh, it's just a reference to their line of work.
DeleteAnd to create interest. It's probably pretty standard reality tv. Ohhh I love Drew and Jonathan. I forever thought one of them was gay.
I don't know I would give it a watch. Just from the trailer it seemed like way too much drama and noise. But between Dante and Joey Mills.. and if I was in that mix those two would be Eiffel towering me 24/7! I've always thought Joey Mills was adorable, and Dante? But the show I'm sure it will have some serious moments, but it sure looks like an excuse just to throw them together to just have sex. I hated the reality show that had Todrick and Brad and those others guys. I thought it gave the gay community a bad rap with how they a acted. Spoiled, materialistic, status driven, and not trustworthy and back stabbing men. They were A-Listers and not a accurate portrayal of many close knit groups. Hell my clan doesn't act like that. But cards on the table...some of us do sleep together😮
ReplyDeleteOh, it's porn stars so DRAMA and NOISE are expected.
DeleteAnd I also disliked the whole Todrick thing. I don't really like him, TBH. And spoiled, materialistic and status driven kinda does sound like a subset of the A-List gays, really.
And if you don't sleep with your friends, who in the hell are you gonna sleep with? LOL
There is no such thing as reality TV any more as people have learned to act like fools to get any notice. And I'm with MM about that Todrick-Brad mess of a show ...
Well, yes.
DeleteFamewhoring is actually a profession nowadays, so I'm with you.
And that Todrick show? Trash. I don't know how Brad accepted to be part of it. He's better than that.
Well I did work with Rachel Zoe, so that says a lot.
DeleteI have Prime...I may have to check it out. This makes me think of that reality show from the early 2000s called The A-List: New York. Reichen Lehmkuhl was on it. It centered around gay men living in NYC. I loved it. It was pretty real, or as real as reality could be. And I saw one of the guys Austin on it in an airport but was too shy to ask for an autograph (only had a Razr phone back them--I don't think selfies was a thing back then).
ReplyDeleteOMG yes
DeleteThe A-list! I've actually watched some episodes on Pluto (it's a free service I get on my AppleTV). And you said it right: as real as it could be.
And Austin was kinda hot, right?? Messy but hot.
Too vapid, aren’t there other gays who actually help others that they could do a reality show about ?!
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteBut you know what? People do not gather to watch good deeds. They gather to watch drama. So there's that.
This might be entertaining for a moment and eye candy for a while longer, but I ... I was going to say I’m not a fan of “reality” tv, but more precise to say I hate it.
DeleteI don't know how much you could take of people making bad decisions and being spoiled. Reality TV (as the Kartrashians, the housewives and the such) tends to be trash.