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Oh, Eric....!

I love the sense of color and the sense of space he imbued in his house (it’s a renovation). This is also what having a successful business and a taste for art can get you. I lowkey love houses that have art. Whether from well-known artists or local artists, art always brings that extra touch to a space (notice how that huge bathroom’s colors were inspired by.. art). People who know art should have art in their houses. Apart from being fantastic conversation pieces, they are beautiful (I can even get with that chair, I’m telling you!).

This house is in Echo Park, and I wondered about those steps, but it was built in 1921, before any ADA was de rigueur in many constructions. What I like is that the stairs do make it more ‘private’ and kind of ‘away’ from the apartments he mentions are at the bottom of the stairs. I would NOT want to move in there with any heavy furniture, though….

I love the idea of entertaining in a house like this. I usually do the usual four-six people get-togethers that are manageable, but in this house? I’d throw a PARTY.



  1. Maybe it's just me, but I loathe the word crib, especially from a nerdy looking white guy; and I loathe the stairs ... I'd need a personal funicular if I lived there.
    That said, I love the kitchen and that bathroom; the rest, except for some of the art, is a bit meh for me, but I could work with it.

    1. LMAOO
      Oh, DRAG HIM! And I find the term endearing, almost. It's like he grew up watching MTV.
      LOL a funicular may come handy!!


  2. Big says,
    OMG...get on with it! I want to see the house, dude, not hear you prattle on about "stuff" and name-drop. LOL... But that sculpture next to the fireplace? Want! I prefer the open concept so that's all right up my alley. Great kitchen. Nice bathroom, though not a fan of the tile install - it's too much. That back yard needs a pool for skinny-dipping. Oh, he does like to say "custom made," doesn't he? He's impressed with himself and it's annoying.
    Am I being too bitchy this morning? 😁

    1. He's got some very interesting pieces.
      Especially paintings (I'm kind of particular to very specific sculptures, so there's that). I did like that blue bathroom, because they used the adjacent little room that was basically not serving any real purpose.
      Never too bitchy! LOL


    2. Big says,
      Thank goodness you don't think I'm too bitchy lately. I can't help myself. The Mustard Mussolini is just making me want to "slap a bitch" (as Maddie would say).

  3. Being a wine drinker, I checked out Good Boy wines. Firstly, and most fatally, their bubbly with "natural bubbles," so think of them as something like wine soft drink. As for his house? White walls are not for me. I did like the fireplace, but the rest of it you can have.

    1. Ohh so that's what 'natural bubbles' mean?
      I would not know. And probably neither know the people who have given him their money, cause he seems to be doing well.
      I like the house, because fab art on painted walls really does not stand out...


  4. I love the way people can incorporate art into their homes. I do not know art and therefore my home would look like a child put up their fingerpaint pieces everywhere. LOL

    1. Same.
      Love it when there's art somewhere in the house. And you know, you can put up anything you want that you like on your walls. They're YOURS.


  5. My favorite part of the house? That fireplace! Nice reno, but a bit to open for me, I tend to like individual rooms for myself personally. And the guy reminded me so much of a past guy a dated, the Professor. It didn't last, he said I was too vivacious in bed. I asked Are you sure your gay? But yes, I'D HATE to move in that place. BOYS....take the sofa in next....

    1. You know what?
      I thought for three seconds that it was 'too open' and then I saw the 'before' and I agreed with his decision. It looks much better now.
      And a red-blooded man said you were 'too vivacious'??????? Fool.



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