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Oh, Mr. Woulfe.....

I think that having a 'country' house would be the dream. Especially one like this. I would of course live there full time (not just weekends/vacays) because I don't have the dough (or the patience) to have two houses. And I  of course love the idea of keeping the period pieces and adding a good refresh. This is when having money comes handy.

I think the details (floors, artwork, skippers!) are what make the house. Well, that and the fab artwork. And that bathroom. And I like that it is pet friendly but not sloppy.  Achievement unlocked.

Also, Barney and Porter!!!


P.S. I bet Mads would open that bar on the first try.


  1. Big says,
    Hunting for art --- yup. It can take a very long time finding just the right piece ofr the right space. Then, sometimes, you just stumble upon them. Love the liquor cabinet. Those dining chairs? No. Just, no. Good luck after greasy hands.... The floors are beautiful. And, Skippers??? Who knew? I need some of those!

    1. Oh, when you find THAT one piece for that specific spot? Glory!
      I think the chairs are a little to precious, but he sold me on wallpaper, which is per se, an achievement.


  2. Again, I look at the money angle. I never think about what's beyond my means.

    1. You want color by numbers (literally). Not even Bob Villa gives you that.
      This is for inspiration and to recognize taste. That don't cost a thing.


  3. I wanted it from the moment I saw that first aerial shot, and that only increased as I saw the spaces.
    And I'll take it as is, furnishings accessoires, paint colors, even the wallpapers.
    J'adore. And if that hot little nuggets comes with ... ?

    1. Oh, same.
      I was like DO WANT. I would make this my only house. And when I find someone who makes me consider wallpaper, I know I've found the man of my life.


  4. I love this place... and that liquor cabinet! He mentioned “without spending a fortune.” I wonder what he considers a fortune.

    1. Same.
      And you just know it may cost me one year's salary. Maybe.


  5. I swear to God this guy design this whole house with me in mind. This whole house screams my use of textures, Style and color palette I swear. And you know I would be in that Liquor Bar in 2 seconds. I mean I'm a bloodhound , I would have sniffed at the booze in there . That would be a fabulous place to keep my juice collection. I absolutely loved the master bedroom and the dining room chairs, and the upstairs bathroom.. that wallpaper is stunning. And he also gets my one rule of adding Whimsy to rooms. For example those tucan lamps in the bathroom. What a great touch for conversation... and yet it works. I think people tend to be too matchy matchy these days. And might I add I am so glad this place is not over stuffed with shit?

    1. I believe you.
      I think the combo of style and taste with a little whimsy is the best recipe for fantastic design. And it's NOT stuffed! Goddess, that's a giant PLUS!
      I imagined you going straight for that bar in the first visit.


  6. Anonymous2/05/2025

    I’m with you in this one, babe. I love everything about the house. Those hidden pocket shutters are genius! Love all of the colors and the decor. I really like the red bedroom, seems very cozy to me.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. It's so pretty!
      And stylish!
      And full of fabulous details!
      It comes with a house that old, but also, they KEPT the details.
      And that bedroom is very, very nice.


  7. Anonymous2/05/2025

    Luv the wall papers used in the living room and the bathroom. That bar cabinet is not for sale, we’ll just have to go over and steal it ! Go through airport customs and claim it’s an emotional support bar :)
    -CA jock

    1. OMG same!
      And I don't even like wallpaper! And you'll have to fight with Mads for that bar cabinet, I'm sure! LOL
      Emotional Support Bar or ESB. I like that!


  8. Charming. Like living in a movie set. Not for me. But it does have it's value. Bravo. Well done.

    1. Oh, but you know that there's people who actually live like this.
      I've been to houses that are absolutely fabulous.



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