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Oh, honey.... it's a no.

It's always very much been a very clear NO for me. Especially now.


P.S. and if you fuck a gay Repug, YOU are also trash. And fucking delusional:


  1. Big says,
    O. M. G. As much as Michael and friends crack me up, that Log Cabin CV made me do an emotional 180. Are they fucking serious??? Idiots. I guess they LIKE all the chaos and destruction taking place, they LIKE being erased. Talk about FAFO.

  2. Talk about identifying with your oppressor!

  3. Another fool who has no clue as to what a Marxist is.

  4. Not a chance in hell; I can talk with a Republican about politics, but when it slips into MAGAt-ass shiz, I'm done.
    You can't argue cult.

  5. I can remember the first time Trump ran for president, I found out a guy I was dating, okay fucking.... like Trump and was going to vote for him. Of course I told him everything I thought and asked how he could possibly vote for someone like that. I also told him I hope he enjoyed that very angry fuck that I gave him, because that was the last time it was going to happen.

    I recently found out he's now partnered living his little white picket fence life. I have no ideal how a gay person votes Republican. It's still boggles my mind.

  6. Anonymous3/21/2025

    Wait until those Log Cabin conservatives find themselves taken out to the shed by the MAGA’s ! In 2022 they were denied setting up a booth at the Republican Convention in Houston, you think they would get a damn clue that they will never be welcomed by the right as they ignore that reality. Where are the conservatives to defend them ?
    -CA jock

  7. Although I would never fuck a republican, I must say: Fuck all republicans.


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