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Oh, #TheIdesOfTrump…?



I did my part! Mailing these tomorrow cause I ran out of postcard stamps.

And thanks to Bob and Debra for the inspo:


P. S. Fuck that thin-skinned, spoiled, egocentric, stupid excuse of a president. I hope he gets tons of postcards telling him how much of a traitorous, ignorant, insufferable, toddler he is. Ha!

P.P.S. I convinced four co-workers to create their own missive and one is going to have a postcard-writing mini-party in his house. My job IS done.


  1. Anonymous3/14/2025

    Bravo! I’ve sent a couple myself. I hope he gets a summary in his daily briefing. Oh right, he doesn’t read that.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  2. The Conspirators are ready, willing and able!

  3. I am dropping all of mine in the mail tomorrow!!!

  4. Big says,
    Those are great! We're in. It would be great if this hits really hard and the media reports on it.

  5. Thin-skinned is an understatement. One bee simply stings, a swarm sets the fear in motion. Thanks to the angry turnouts at Republican townhalls, we know they are simply not prepared to play hardball.

  6. I can only hope that, that first meme comes true. The only good Trump is a dead Trump. I think I would write a letter but he would probably never get it because it would be filled with me using very many Anne Marie linguistics and my deep temper and hatred for the piece of shit.

  7. I dropped mine in the box this afternoon! Yours are great!


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