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Via Towleroad:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave an address at Columbia University this afternoon.

Ahmadinejad was asked a question about gay executions in Iran, which he attempted to avoid by referring to the death penalty in the United States, ignoring the sexuality aspect of the question completely. Moderator Dean Coatsworth kept on him however, and received this answer:

"In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who has told you that we have it."

Oh, the stupidity. Because he's an ignorant bigot, he of course does not know that the CBC ran a story about the same people they 'don't have' in Iran and who suffer under a merciless, out-of-touch and self-entitled government. The stupidity of the dogma-blinded bigot is the same in Iran as it is in the U.S. Dangerous, medieval, clueless and uninformed, the religiously political fails to see what the rest of the world clearly sees. Living in a callow, patriarchal, backward and dogmatic society who still lives in the XIIth century intellectually, makes him a perfect example of power in the hands of the intellectually impaired. Wallowing in delusional self-righteousness, they condemn the rest of the world for what they see as their own sins (accepting a way of life that they despise, while justifying their own ignorance. Paraphrasing Sagan: you cannot convince the believer of anything because their belief is not based on evidence, but on a deep need to believe.

Of course you don't have homosexuals in your country, Mr.Stupid. You massacre them because your god tells you so.


  1. Despues de haber hecho el ridiculo...se habra dado cuenta de que esta fuera de toda corriente este hombre?¿?... Un abrazote ;)

  2. You're right: there is not limit for stupidity. But the day will come when such a thing will never pronounced again... in many centuries I'm afraid, but it will come !


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