One... two... three...

I know, it always takes time for things to settle down. I guess I'll just breathe in. A big gulp of fresh air. I should not stop breathing just because so many things are up in the air, unresolved. I better follow my friends' advice and just keep on living, keep on breathing, keep on doing the things I have to do. Just like I did during those days I was in therapy, I'll have to remember to breathe in...
Because not doing that would be giving more power to the powers that be: the establishment, big brother. And I've been too sui generis all my life to give up that way. It may take ten more milligrams in that daily pill, it may take driving eight hours every week. It may take dividing my life in two and trying to be who I need to be right now.
I may break in the process. I may come out stronger. But how will I know if I don't try? I have a lot to lose and much to gain. When all this passes, I hope I remember I have to breathe out.
pues sigue respirando amigo, profundo, sintiendo este aire nuevo que te viene... Siente como no solo tus pulmones se renuevan... siente como ese aire sopla a tu frente, suave; como diciendote : "no temas, disfruta"... Y dejate llevar. Recibe un fuerte abrazo y epero tener noticias tuyas pronto, cuidate muuuuchoooo