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His nom be porn is Koldo Goran. He's Spanish and speaks three languages. And of course he's got an Instagram and a Twitter account. And many more attributes. He's done the rounds in some of the studios and has had his share of photoshoots. He also brings some diversity to a landscape that sometimes seems very cookie cutter (he looks pretty man-next-door until, well, he undresses). But I argue that it's always much more interesting when porn stars reveal that other side of themselves that we don't get to see in the tube sites and show us more than they've ever had there. Yep, these are people who are usually naked at work, but seeing them in their natural environment (that the rest of us call 'life') is sometimes as much fun as seeing them, well, at work.

It's the fun part of these very sexy men what makes them interesting. Yes, they have hit the genetic jackpot, yes, they get to get paid for having sex with very attractive men, yes, they are wanted and celebrated but it's that other part of them what makes them really attractive: when we realize that they are just men. They celebrate their birthdays, they obsess over their hair and they seem to be just like you and me. What's not to like?

It's much more fun when we realize that they are much more than just their porn star persona. They're usually cool people with a wicked sense of humor. They'e people who are much more than the images we see in our screens. Koldo talks about liking blonds, about when he realized he was just way above average and about his best time making another guy happy. Yeah. And we get his thoughts about what he'd really like:

 I want my home on a tropical land with a small farm where i can have chicken, rabbit, one cow, one goat, a horse, my vegetable garden, and a fruit trees garden with birds and their nests. And inside the home a couple of titi monkeys and one galgo dog.

And he really can even do a public service announcement fun:

So yeah. Porn Stars. They're just like us.



  1. they also sleep, eat, drink, do laundry, and put their pants on one leg at a time. they pay their taxes, drive a car to work, watch sports too.

    awwww, he has a kitty on the chair with him during his condom commercial. ay carumba, what a nice working member he has! ;-0

  2. In this time of social media, so many celebrities of every stripe have accounts across all the cool kid platforms. It seems you really can’t survive without it. It’s no longer enough to come out with a video every month. You have to keep giving the fans more.

    And we keep lapping it up. I’m all for it. The more eye candy out there the better. However, I wonder how this cuts into the profitability of the brand. Fans will take what they can for free and move on. It’s a double edged sword.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. I love the cat looking over his shoulder. He was less impressed than I.

  4. Okay, Anne, let's see if I got this right. If I'm supposed to put my pants on one leg at a time... which leg goes in first?


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