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Have you noticed those Trivago ads? The ones where a very delectable DILF tells you all about the joys of finding just the perfect hotel? You haven't? Where have you been living? Under a rock?

Well, I have noticed them. I have also noted the slight scruff, the long legs, the nice smile. The Trivago guy got me. At the beginning he was a little frumpy (which I liked, too!) and then he got more silver-foxy. The shirts were more tailored, the jeans tapered, the five o'clock shadow just so. And he was still hot, of course.

I have to say that even though I do not use trivago much (I don't travel far that much!) I certainly enjoy the commercials. And today when I was on Fleshbot (yes, I like my porn curated) I read that he was arrested because he was caught sleeping behind the wheel obstructing traffic. Damn. Did not see that one coming. I hope Trivago does not boot him, because after all, we all know advertising is all about image and they won't like the association. The Trivago guy is so much fun than even FunnyOrDie did one on him.

I have to say, though. I still like the Trivago DILF. Fuck, even his mugshot looks kinda hot. You know me. I like the daddy type and this one is a walking testament to my taste.

Oh and apparently Trivago specializes in handsome men. I may have to change Booking for Trivago for those out-of-town moments.

Oh, and Trivago gives you hot men in many languages!



  1. Have I noticed????? I noticed how Daddy could bend he over to bang me. He is Hot!!!!!

  2. Damn babe, he is hot as are their international “ambassadors.” They’ve got quite a stable of spokesmen. Can we book them as an amenity in the room? Maybe some in-room entertainment?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. I've long had a crush on Trivago Guy, and these worldly Trivago Men are good, too!

  4. And here I thought I was the only one who thought the Trivago guy was hot. HA!!

  5. I suspect he will be gone, gone, GONE as the Trivago spokesperson. Drinking and driving is not something they will want to be associated with.

  6. Actually, he's an American who, because he speaks fluent German, does quite a lot of German television. So, if you want to see more of him... well, call Trivago and go to Germany for a bit of Deutsch American.

  7. I have never heard of this website; sue me. but OMB WTF BBQ ARGLEBARGLE is that HAWT MAN doing there? I'd fuck him.

  8. @Maddie: I know, right? I'd let him hit it.
    @Bae: it's a deal. Packing as I type.
    @Bob: you and I, Bob. You and I.
    @Mark: LOL apparently there's a waiting list?
    @Debra: Me too. Remember the 'dude, you've got a Dell' dude? He was gone once it was known that his 'dude' attitude was indeed due to cannabis.
    @Dave: I knew he was an actor, but really? Super interesting.
    @AnneMarie: darling, me too. Totally.



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