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I wish the light could shine now; for it is closer... it is near. But it will not present my present, it makes my past and future painfully clear.
I was on my way to work and this song came up on my playlist. It's one of my favorites. I love, love, love the voice. It's Anohni, BTW. She used to be the lead singer of Antony and the Johnsons but now has gone solo. And she's got a vision to go with that voice. Absolutely avant-garde and ahead of her time. So basically one of my favorite artists came up in my car speakers and suddenly the realization that my life has indeed completely changed kinda hit me. I think I've been postponing thinking about what comes next for me for a few months, but I guess that time is over. You see, I thought I had it all figured out: my job was close, my affective life was nice and my housing situation was convenient. And then everything changed: I lost my closet space and a my short commute and a loving connection. All in the span of a few weeks. And apparently, I just noticed. Nothing like denial, no?

I guess that's what has been on my mind for awhile and I've been pushing it away because that's what people do with things they do not want to deal with at the moment.  I keep busy by blogging and buying one more plant, and deciding what to buy at Ikea and by doing projects and visits to the Art Institute. The thing is, when you have a bad breakup or when a relationship suddenly ends because you've stopped caring about each other you may be able to deal with the fallout better because you're angry. You go through the usual stages of grief and  then you're done.

But there's been no anger because there's been nothing to be angry about and no bargaining to go along with the denial because the relationship's boundaries were clear from the beginning. All is left is a foggy sense of melancholy. As adults, we all know that acceptance really is the key to moving on with our lives and making sure we keep flourishing and improving. But it's kind of hard, after all this time to just move on, even thought it is the right (and probably only) move I can make.

I find it kind of funny that I'm writing all this here, on this blog, which is basically a public space (I call it my own private soapbox for a reason) and for everybody to see. But you've read worse, haven't you? I imagine that being under the shield of the ones and zeroes gives us all the license to bare our souls (and our bodies, sometimes) for the world to see without the usual social constraints polite society imposes on us. So there you have it. Oversharing, as always.

Thanks, bae, for caring. You really are awesome.



  1. Great tastes you have!

    1. I love Hercules and Love Affair. One of my favs!


  2. Babe the distance is greater but the feelings haven’t changed. I treasure the time we’ve spent together. We always knew something could happen. And I’ve always said that if you find someone that can give you what I couldn’t, that you should pursue it. I never thought that it would be something as simple as you moving to the other side of the metro area. So close and yet so far. Unfortunately the circumstances are complicated.

    You hold a special place in my heart and always will. If the opportunity presents its self, who knows what can happen.

    Like we tell Steven, be open to the possibilities.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. One thing ends, another thing starts. And without change, life is mostly melancholy.
    Be open, be ready.

    1. I've told myself that repeatedly these last days. The only thing that's sure is change, no?


  4. It can sneak up on us, can't it? When it does and we recognize it, then we find a way to deal with the emotions; anger, resentment, or apathy. That was the end of my first marriage: Apathy. We were simply making one another miserable. It was time to move on. As Bob says, be open, be ready for the new. xoxo

    1. It does! It really took me by surprise. I thought I was more self-reflective. And thank goodness there was no making each other miserable. At least it was on a good note....


  5. If you were able to read my text that I was sharing last night with a friend about my break up , we would be having another moment of connection. There's a lot of significant dates right now that bring up old memories.

    1. Oh, Steven. It's funny how all these coincidences collide... And old memories are sometimes good. Sometimes.


  6. I've always been bad with relationships, not because I get emotional, rather it's the opposite, I so glad it's over.

    1. I wish I didn't get emotional. One should be prepared for things like this, no? But I guess they always sneak up on us...


  7. I enjoy the oversharing and I am guilty of it myself. Not so much lately on my blog but before my kiddos, I had a lot of TMI. Good luck in where you are heading and I look forward to reading about it. Take care.

    1. Oh, oversharing seems like a second nature for me. LOL.
      And it's good to overshare with the kids. It builds trust, no? You know I'll most probably write about whatever happens here. It's almost unavoidable.


  8. We do have things in common. But, you are a much better writer.

    1. Hahaha Oh Jimmy.
      I just babble away for much longer...



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