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CRIME magazine

I can't with American media and its glorification of this criminal White House. Just as IMPOTUS tweets about his PERFECT PHONE CALL! And Parnas confirms that Cheeto and Pence and Co. were in cahoots to blackmail a whole country for dirt on Biden, Time magazine gives Jared Kushner the cover.

I have no fucking words. Fuck this fucking crime family. Fuck IMPOTUS and fuck his shameless family and fuck the media in this country that enables criminals to get glowing profiles in national magazines while the public learns about their mafia-style deals. 

Fuck them all. If Americans don't vote for whomever the Dem candidate is, there is no way anybody can complain about this kind of fuckery. Vote, motherfuckers, vote Blue as if your way of life depended on it, because it does. 

I'm done. Now I'll have to go get some chocolate to improve my fucking mood.



  1. I sometimes wonder, if there is enough chocolate in the world to get us through this election.

    1. OMG same!
      It’s never ending fuckery from wall to wall!


  2. Aptly titled post babe. Worthy of Mad magazine. I could see Alfred E. Neuman as waxed Jared.

    The media needs to stop pussy footing around this regime. They need to call out all the fuckery at every turn.

    And the electorate must turn out and save this country because the damn repugs are useless.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. People need to vote. Really. Apathy fucked up the last election. It should not happen again.


  3. he is an ugly lil bastard, ain't he? slumlord. son of a convicted felon. "married" to an airhead. tightly closeted, perhaps? only 10 more months to go until WE THE PEOPLE FLUSH THE TURN ON NOVEMBER THIRD! now where's that chocolate bar?

    1. He IS slimy. A pompous, entitled, privileged piece of shit.


  4. Let's hiope next year you'll have another potus!

    1. Absolutely! People need to understand that’s essential to vote these corrupt people out!


  5. Oh, you had the words all right, and they're the exact same words I used.

  6. I'm having a hard time getting into your bloggy.

    Jared Kushner is the face of death.

    1. Oh no! I sometimes cannot get on Bob’s blog if I’m not on my tablet, either... I wonder why.
      Jared looks as if he’s melting...


  7. Dammit! Here I thought that maybe Crime Magazine really existed and did a cover story expose on this ugly plastic-looking extension of the fuckhead in the Oval. Last night Lev treated us to a couple more names directly involved with the fuckery.

    Travel is correct - not enough chocolate in the world to rid the taste of this corruption. Tough to stick to a diet while this shit is going on. The only way to stop this is to turn out en mass with numbers so overwhelming...... xoxo

    1. Haha no. Time actually went and profiled him! The nerve.
      And they ALL knew. There were all in it. Corrupt motherfuckers.

      I’m gonna end putting in pounds if I rage eat tho 🙄

      Vote. Them. Out.


  8. Americans are in a National Nightmare alright. I hope you escape from it soon.

    1. Absolutely!
      I cannot tell you how many stupid people still think that choosing a Dem President is a popularity contest, though.


  9. What kind of chocolate did you get? I need to know because my current batch of chocolate isn't helping. Maybe that is why I switched to booze to deal with the Trump nightmare. Take care.

    1. Haha
      I can recommend dark chocolate. 50% is the perfect blend. And booze is not too far behind if the idiots who are still ‘on the fence’ do not vote him out.


  10. He does look like a perfect little Nazi, doesn't he, which is very odd since he's supposed to be Jewish, so maybe that's the look of the Jewish mafia.

    1. He and his ilk only believes in money. They’d sell their souls for it. And many have done it.

      No morals.


  11. I can't believe my handsome sweet, you didn't like that cover. It's come in quite handy to wipe Buster's hind parts with. Yet another smug little bastard getting away with stuff. I will have to consider vacating this place if he gets re-elected. I don't know how I will stand it. The thoughts of things I think for him and most of his family and certain republicans is getting very Maleficent dark. The sequel was called Maleficent the Mistress of Evil after all. I must get the minions to move quickly...….. I will now go back into my rabbit hole or some hole for a few more.....just wanted to pop in to say hi.

    1. Maddie! So good to read you!
      And totally same, if IMPOTUS is re-elected. Absolutely losing faith in humanity. And come back soon!



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