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Early signs

Michael thinks Cheeto is a tinfoil dictator.  Bob was posting about the fear of being in a Fascist state. I think we ARE already there. Beau here lays down why Twitler is already cultivating that idea here in America. You see, I think that in America people always think that their freedom is guaranteed. It's that nagging sense of entitlement that allows for stupid tinfoil dictators like IMPOTUS to saw the seed of fascism without people even noticing.

  • Nationalism: not patriotism, mind you. Americans think they're being patriotic, but they're being nationalists. Patriots love their country for what it does. Nationalists love their country no matter what it does. 
  • Human rights being stomped upon: Look at how the Cheeto administration is threatening to repeat the show of force they displayed in Oregon in other cities. People shoved in unmarked wagons? He's threatening Chicago now....
  • IMPOTUS has dog whistled against Latinos, against Black people, against Asians... There's always an enemy that unifies the trumpanzees and their white resentment and racism.
  • Twitler and his bulldog, Willam Barr are unleashing the military on Americans already. Didn't they pepper sprayed the moms that were protecting the protesters in Portland? The border patrol is going to be unleashed on cities in the name of 'Law and Order'.
  • Did you hear about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being harassed by another politician on her way to work? It's the sexism that IMPOTUS has showed all throughout, that's insidiously trickling down in his administration. Liz Cheney was just silenced and threatened by her own party because she was disagreeing with the repugs.
  • The repugs have always thought of Fox News as THEIR network. Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are the mouthpieces of White Supremacy. Sean Hannity and Fox and Friends give the president pointers on policy. Did you watch the interview with Chris Wallace? It was supposed to be softballs and it backfired spectacularly but because Cheeto is such an idiot. Fox News is basically the mouthpiece of the Cheeto administration.
  • You know 'national security' is going to be brought up again. And again. And again. Americans are an easily scared bunch. They were hordes of immigrants tearing down the points of entry just a few months ago. They suddenly disappeared. Then it's going to be Mexican gangs. Jus wait for the next national security threat...
  • Twitler counts on The Devil's Butler and Mother to appease the Talibangelicals. His 'spiritual advisor' is making coin while stroking his ego. White Evangelicals will vote again for Cheeto because he's delivering results: their bigotry is being rewarded. Don't hold on to your gay marriage too tightly. That's coming next.
  • Did yo know that most agencies in the IMPOTUS administration are lead by... wait for it... lobbyists? People who used to lobby for industries are now in charge of the government granting permits to... big industries. Natural resources are being plundered and regulations are being loosened. All for money.
  • Labor power is being suppressed. You know one thing the repugs don't like Unions. For all the bluster about 'keeping America great' and 'made in America', they could not give a rat's ass about unions. Repugs want money and big corporations. They don't care about unions.
  • One thing that this pandemic has put on evidence is the disdain Repugs and IMPOTUS in particular has for science. Trumpanzees will believe their bumbling orange avatar over scientists and experts. Dr. Fauci has learned this the hard way. Trumpanzees are not wearing masks because Cheeto told them COVID-19 was a hoax. Data about the pandemic is not going to the CDC but to.. the White House.
  • What about Twitler pardoning his cronies? Flynn, Stone? What about his pandering to the Thin Blue Line? The Law and Order administration? It's all related to his obsession with crime and punishment.
  • What about the whole Goya debacle? Stanka posing with beans? Cheeto displaying Goya products after the backlash it suffered? When Goya's CEO praised Twitler in the Rose Garden, Latinos boycotted Goya and immediately Stanka posed with the beans. Corruption runs deep in the Cheeto administration. It's a kleptocracy very proud of its kakistocracy. Cronyism runs rampant.
  • And the crowning glory: during his interview with Wallace IMPOTUS was asked if HE would concede when uncle Joe wins (because uncle Joe HAS to win) and he said he would 'see'. What the fuck is that about? You know he won't 'concede'. The Cheeto administration and the repugs have been chipping at voter rights for years. Voter suppression is their MO. They don't want people voting for mail. They want people to show ID to vote. They have closed voting places galore. Cheeto installed his own watchdog in the USPS to make sure it's crippled and cannot work well during the elections.

America already is a fascist state. And the sooner you realize it, the sooner you can start acting. Be an activist. Start thinking about spreading the message that voting is important. Our lives and our way of life are at stake. The repugs and Cheeto count on the unwavering corruption, racism, bigotry and sexism of his base to win. Don't let them. Vote Blue. No matter who the fuck is running.



  1. GAYmen! spouse and I have applied for our absentee ballot for november. voting by mail is safe. AND LEGAL. of course, the dump is all about illegal.

    1. Don't worry Anne Marie....if he did well because of mail in voting...he'd be singing a different tune. Then he like mail in voting.

    2. Oh, Anne Marie. You are so right. Cheeto is all about illegal. And Maddie is right, if voting by mail would benefit him, he'd be all for it. Moron.


  2. We are voting by mail. I agree, we are in a dictatorship.

    We were wondering if the unmarked 'army' even speaks English as these actions like in Portland are very Putinesque.

    1. Oh, we are living a Banana Republic nightmare and few people have noticed. It's all very strongman, what IMPOTUS does. Dictators are his role models.


  3. As long as you can vote and change your administration, you will not be in a fascist state. Obviously you will have to vote and large numbers of people will have to vote.

    1. And there lies the problem. The voting machines? Made in China, managed by Stanka's company. The USPS crippled by the administrator Cheeto put there. The gerrymandered districts, the voting suppression tactics of the repugs, the voting interference by the Russians. Everything is set up to make voting difficult.
      Also remember he lost the public voting once. He could lose it again and still win because this is America.


    2. also because of your electoral system that does not seem to work well: in 2016 Hillary obtained more votes but did not win.

  4. And this is why we need to ignore the polls, no matter what they say, and get our votes out.
    Women, POC, any oppressed part of society and LGBTQ+ Americans can fix this if we all band together and vote.
    I not only want to see _____lose, but I wanna see him being the loser of the biggest landslide in history.
    Cast a goddamned vote!

    1. I agree Bob fuck the polls!!!!!! They are useless pieces of shit. We saw the leaps and bounds Hills had....and didn't mean squat in the end. Of the dems can't get their shit together and get out their to vote...were done. And I am happy to report I now have all but one of my non voter friends voting....and for Biden!!!!!! One more to go.

    2. Kemp took his state and lost every other in his bid for the office. Wallace took his state and lost every other in his bid. This election needs to have those same results - or better: He needs to lose in every state.
      Even then, I guarantee you that the Dumpster will call it rigged and refuse to leave. The courts and the Senate will back him (as the Dems sadly did not when Gore needed them to) and we'll see the election decided in Dumpstar's favor. Then you can be guaranteed he'll be there until he wants to give it over to a hand-picked Putin puppet.

    3. I don't care about polls either, Bob. Never had, never will. They mean nothing to me. Everybody needs to go out to vote this time. In unprecedented numbers. The country is a stake. LGBTQ people, POC, Women.
      Twitler needs to lose bigly. The humiliation of his party needs to be complete. But people need to get their sorry assess off the couch and go fucking vote. Gah!


  5. Like you....ive said the same....were already there. If for some reason he does win???? Then we are officially done as a country for good. Another term would totally destroy voting. I also hear Putin get the keys to the White House next week. . I can't still believe how in four years we got here. He's created a monster of this country.

    1. Oh, he cannot win, Maddie. The country will be lost.
      The America we all knew and loved is being destroyed in front of our own eyes. It's now a shadow of what it was. All the ideals that held it together gone or about to be erased. He's still got like a 40% approval rate. What kind of fuckery is that?
      I just can't.


  6. Each and every one of those things is factual - 100%. Now, I don't much care for AOC, and I certainly don't like Cheney, BUT.....if they or any others close up shop, they've been either bought off or threatened.
    I fear - and have been saying this for more than 2 years now - if he loses, he will claim it a "rigged" election, that the mail-in ballots are fraudulent, and declare the election invalid. The Repug-controlled Senate will back him on that. The stacked courts will side with him. He'll remain until they (Putin, et al) find another hand-picked puppet to do their bidding.
    How I wish it were not so.....
    The bottom line: We already live in a fascist autocracy.

    1. Oh, Big. You know he'll try by any means possible to stay in power. I hope he gets crushed by such large numbers that claiming the election was 'rigged' is a laughable notion. The repugs know they're circling the political drain with him but cannot let go of the power. He did stack the courts to side with him. Even SCOTUS.
      It'll be a bloodbath if people does not vote him out.


    2. You're correct. We'll manage to get rid of him if, and only if, we get rid of the Repugs who have supported him in both houses of Congress. They all need to get trounced. As the saying goes, "A girl can dream, can't she?" 😊 || did you notice I learned how to use emojis? LOL! XOXO

    3. Ohhh Look at you, Big.
      Emojis and all, now?


  7. This is a huge shit show. There are no longer any “norms” in this country. The lunatics are running the sanitarium and it’s not a good look.

    We have to move the electorate into action. Not voting is not an option. Just because the candidate doesn’t check all of your boxes doesn’t disqualify them. Vote for the candidate that best represents your interests. There is no perfect candidate.

    and voting third party nationally is a wasted vote. This election is too important.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, bae. You're so right. Not voting is not an option this November. The purity tests, the stupid fuckery of 'but what about...?'. "But her emails..." cannot be repeated. It is a matter of life or death for many. Fuck a third party, too.
      Vote blue, no matter who fucking who.


  8. The USA is going to hell in a handbasket. I hope the November vote turns things around.

    1. The USA is already in a handbasket.
      And the road to hell is paved with good intentions and purity tests...


  9. Sing Hallelujah, come on get happy
    Get ready for the judgment day...

    I is scared. :(

  10. Conservatives would like to think it is... but they're wrong, the same way the were wrong about Reagan (they thought he turned America Conservative). Another thing they don't understand, is they are a minority group, only about 29% of Americans are Republicans. If they try anything, they're going to get the shit kicked out of them.

    1. From your lips to the Goddess' ears, Dave.
      I keep thinking that people will raise and will vote his orange ass out of the White House. But I also know some Americans are deeply stupid and unconcerned by the things that do not affect them directly.


    2. I heard on NPR that a number of BLM protesters have been blinded in one eye by "rubber bullets" fired by the police. This is unprecedented. The American Ophthalmological Society has asked for the use of these projectiles to stop at once.

    3. Those 'rubber bullets' are dangerous!
      The abuse of power is infuriating. The ACLU just won an injunction forbidding the press or bystanders be thrown in those vans. Banana Republic tactics by the government of the US? Check.



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