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Uma selva

So nothing like life to make you eat your words. I was just remembering a post on Steven’s blog about how much I didn’t like neck tattoos and then comes YouTube and makes me eat my words. Such is life. These men have the cutest apartments I have seen and I think they're totally adorable! Tattoos and all. Damn you, Steven! LoL.

The thing is, We should always be ready to reconsider our tastes.  The idea that we are bound to like only one kind of men or men who have or do not have some attributes is absolutely insane. When push comes to shove, what matters is what the man makes us feel. And I usually go with my gut feeling. Take for example these men. I think they're attractive, yes, but what makes them sexy is the way they move in their tiny kingdoms, amongst their possessions. That laissez-faire, that comfortable masculinity that lets them feel proud of having created such a beautiful backdrop for their unassuming beauty.

I think our environments (our offices, our houses, our bedrooms) speak tons about ourselves and about who we are. I think that these men's minds are in the right place. Do their apartments look like this all the time? I bet they do. Not as tidy, but the bones are there. I think I agree with Maddie when she said that she could totally pick me up in a line just by seeing how I live or the clothes I like. The way we organize the universe around us is very telling. These men seem rough and tough. The facial hair. The tattoos. But what sells me is their absolute comfort with their domestic side. I like men who like their houses.

You see, men who pay attention to their living quarters are very attractive to my eyes. I have left a man's place upon discovering the horrible state of their bedrooms and/or kitchens. I cannot take chaos and dirt. If a man has not changed his sheets or has five weeks worth of dirty dishes in his sink, I'm out. No matter how good the dick. No matter how hot he may be. I'm out. And don't get me started with men who do not read or do not like music. Gah! So finding men who evidently enjoy so much their own little cocoons makes me hot. Yeah, I guess I'm at that point in life where I think of a men in terms that go beyond what I can find between his legs. Is dick good? Hell yes. Do I need the man that I'm fucking to know his place in life and have his head set up right on top of his shoulders? You bet your sweet ass I do. 

I enjoyed the videos not only because the men are so pretty and the places so beautiful, but because they gave me a sense of stability, of warmth, of comfort. That's what I get from their places: they feel like home. Like someone who loves their place lives there. I like these men because they're obviously attractive, but I find them sexy because they've allowed their domesticity to express itself in a very aesthetic way that reflects on themselves. Their creative side allows them to build the perfect backdrop for their very attractive exterior. 

 Really. Is it that all Brazilian men are this delicious? I may have to reconsider South America. 



  1. That is some apartment for that first gentleman. I think he’s singlehandedly saving the rainforest. And the pegboard on the side of the refrigerator is ingenious.

    They both have done wonderful things with their spaces. And you’re right they’re both very sexy.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, I love them both.
      I really like all the plants, also, the weather in Brazil is fantastic and you can have plants all year round.


  2. I really love all that green around! Green and blue have always been my favourite colours!

    1. Same!
      The plants really enliven the spaces.


  3. Ink is so popular (down here at least) that I'm beginning to be able to recognize prison tats. I'm getting use to face tattoos. But, it is about the swagger of the individual wearing the tats.

    I don't care for plants or flowers indoors.

    1. Hahaha
      When you recognize prison tats you ARE a connoisseur. And face tats really push it for me. I can deal with body ink but that's as far as I go.
      And you are right, it's the attitude of the man what sells it.

      And I think about pets the same way you think about plants and flowers LOL


  4. So will YOU be getting a neck tattoo now?

    1. .... and that's going to be a no. LOL
      They're extremely painful and I'm not into S&M. Really you'd need a high tolerance to pain to get those.


  5. Two things, maybe three:
    Love the accents.
    Love the green.
    Loathe a neck tattoo.

    1. The accents rule.
      The green is awesome.
      Neck tattoos are painful.


  6. Oooo, cleanliness is next to...whatever. I cannot stand a dirty kitchen. It makes me insane and don't even offer me something to drink because I can't trust the vessel to be clean.
    The tattoo thing? Well, it depends on what it is and how much there is. Though, I must say, there will come a time in their lives when they will regret all that ink. Old ink on old men is not a pretty sight. 😎😁 XOXO

    1. Ugh. I'm with you here, Big.
      I think that being reasonably tidy says a lot about a man. Really. A guy can be a pig in bed and still keep clean sheets and and the sink free of dirty dishes.
      I think tattoos, like the ones these men have, have a longer shelf life. The guys have personality galore and that counts.
      I think that we all get to an age where we don't give a fuck about what people think about us... including our tats.


  7. maddie loves south american guys. I'm not a fan of tats, but to each his/her own.

    1. Oh, yes!
      Our Maddie has taste. And I'm ambivalent about the tats. These men would make me consider them, though...


  8. Oh, I see a man's sink of dirty dishes and undone laundry and I just go to work. I think I was born to be a domestic. I like cleaning other people's houses (a lot more than my own). I may swear a bit - especially regarding how difficult it is is to get cat hair off of porcelain... but overall... I really enjoy the sense of accomplishment when it is all done. I like making a positive difference in someone's life and that is one of the most obvious ways to do it. Back when I was in high school and would babysit? I would clean house once the kids were in bed. I dunno why. I just liked making order out of disorder. I think that makes me co-dependent? Not sure. But, it's kind of my thing. Sigh. As long as he needs me... lol. OH, that song. So bad. (from Oliver).

    1. Oh, Upton.
      That's going to hard for me. You see, if a man cannot keep his house in order, how the hell is he going to keep our relationship in order? And if he's a hookup, is that how he fucks? Ugh. I can't.
      Now, as my house goes, I'm with you. I like order and I can't take dirt well. I do understand the desire to tidy up, though. I've done that once or twice. It's not codependency! LOL


  9. I see a lot of tats. Some are artful and show consideration, others? the result of too many brewskies at the local bar. Taste is appreciated, ink for ink's sake isn't.

    1. And that's what makes these men special, in my eyes.
      The tats do not seem to have been haphazardly acquired after too much alcohol. they seem planned and loved. That I like.


  10. I have no decorative ability. I wish I did. I go into my friend's homes and think WOW this all works. I have the eye, but not the ability to put things together.

    1. Haha
      Hey, but you've got taste. You KNOW what looks good!



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