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If it's my life. Well, not really but yeah. You see, during this pandemic, having a blog has been kind of a lifesaver. Not only because of the mini-community I've found (always with you, Constant Reader) but because it's an outlet I didn't know I needed. I'm not too social. I do have my crew, mind you. Some people from work who are cool and some friends I hang out with on the regular, but I don't really like big groups. So this medium has proven to be highly effective to somehow, share my thoughts. 

In any case, I was watching this video and I was laughing and then I was like, fuck me. This seems to be my life lately. This blog has become some kind of diary, an electronic reminder of what life has become, in this time of absolute fuckery and weird unintended isolation. But I have to say I like it. I like the oversharing, I like the unexpected connections. I like the camaraderie, unburdened by the trite and the quotidian and edged by the need of a confessional and the knowledge of having found a somehow kindred spirit. 

I like the fact that you know more about me than a ton of people who would profess to 'know' me because we've shared a moment or two. I feel I know you, too. I know that you that you put out there. It may not be the 'you' that most people know, but it''s the you I know. And I like that person. So let's keep sharing. It's a weird intimacy, this sharing so much and so little at the same time with so many people I don't really get to see. 

But there's one thing you do need to know: you've made my life less dull, less boring. You make going into my head a fun exercise. And for that, I thank you. So this is that moment in the movies where we wrap ourselves in the bedsheets and smoke a cigarette? What? Too French New Wave?



  1. Awwwwwww that is a sweet post!!!! You make my day too as many of the blog I read do as well. I could sit and talk to you forever.

    Wanna French now?

    1. Dear Maddie:
      You also make my day when I do my blog rounds! I'd step into your parlor and chat for hours, with or without the houseboys!
      And yeah, it's time for a Frenchie.


  2. Even if I am Italian and some topics are not common, I think you are making a very interesting and varied blog. I absolutely believe that dialogue with your readers keeps you happy. Bravo!

    1. Oh, but you always contribute to the conversation!
      I'm always glad to hear your opinions.
      Maybe I'll do a post in Italian just for you.


    2. I try to do my best. Don't worry for the italian post!

  3. And right back atcha. The blog is just another form of community and that's not a bad thing at all!

    1. Isn't it true?
      I find that the little community we have created is a really cool one. I enjoy all my blogger friendships.

  4. even if we never meet in person, I like having you as a friend. bloggers are very special people.

    1. Yes!
      Same, Anne Marie, same. And I agree, bloggers are very special people.


  5. Yes, blogging and bloggers are great, for all the reasons you mentioned!

    1. I never thought I'd do long form again.
      And here we are!


  6. Of all the blogs I follow, you as a person project the most genuine sense of caring for others. That is what I love about you.
    Now,... I know of a lonely top in Canada looking for someone.

    BIG Smooches!

    1. Awww Jimmy!
      You're so sweet. And I really like all the bloggers I follow.
      And about that top you know in Canada....


  7. Nicely said, Sixpence. I have always been myself on my blog and it's nice to share those experiences with like-minded folks. I appreciate your honesty and love all that I learn from stopping by. You do you and it will be awesome.

    1. Oh, your blog is great, Mr. Shife.
      I love how candid and fresh it is. I really enjoy the stories about the kids and the dad jokes. And I'm glad I can tell you about something you didn't know before. I'll keep doing me.


  8. The way you project yourself in your blog is who you are. Being one of the few people that reads your daily cleansing (?) that has met you IRL, I can attest to that. You take no crap and you speak your mind.

    Oh and you’re adorable, too.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Aww bae.
      Flattery will get you anywhere! LOL
      But I think I'm pretty much myself online. And I AM opinionated!


  9. I agree with you. I share more here in the blogosphere than I do anywhere else, even with the best of friends.
    I am by nature, an extrovert. I like a medium sized crowd. I enjoy a party. But what I enjoy here is that I can absolutely share anything, no filter, no worry about judgement and without having to censor my story for an audience I am unsure will still be around when I finish it.

    1. Isn't that funny?
      We talk about some stuff here that we share with very few people IRL. I think I'm an introvert that can act like an extrovert and the no-filter comes naturally online because we know that the people who are reading are here because they want to...


  10. How did I not see this post yesterday???
    I'm super grateful you do this blog, because I feel I've found quite the kindred spirit. We have so much in common..... I share things on my blog that I have rarely - if ever - shared with anyone else. Of course, the sense of anonimity helps to do that. And I def share things here that don't get shared elsewhere. So, see?? You offer so much to us. We're grateful. Big smooches from Big. XOXO


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