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The Lotus

Oh, sex positions. Yes, we all have our favs. The ones we go back over and over again because THOSE are the positions that make us feel good, or the ones that make us cum better or because we just like the. We also have some that we consider 'kinky', which is of course absolutely arbitrary,  because what can be considered kinky for some is absolutely run of the mill for others. So, when it comes to sex positions there's always going to be preferences. Don't you think? And no, The Lotus is not my fav. 

And given that I'm prone to TMI, here you go:

Because it gives me freedom of movement.

Because it goes in deep.

Because I like the head-down-ass-up sensation.

All-time fav. Feeling him everywhere and getting to look into his eyes. Yes. 

Let's see, now that you know mine, which are your favs?

a. The Lotus
b. The Seashell
c. The Pretzel
d. The Peg
e. The Joystick Joyride
f. The Seated Wheelbarrow
g. The Butter Churner
h. The Supporting Raise

Come on, don't be shy. You know you wanna...


P.S. These are our guides this time:


  1. Whew....Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?
    Never been an anal dude. Top or bottom. Tried them because, you know, GGG. Just didn't do it for me. BUT, if I did, it would be like your all-time fav...that's where the best prostate stimulation comes in, no?
    And, come on! Seriously? I have to choose?? OK, Calvin and Taylor. Oh, you meant choose only one.... Nope. Can't do it. They'll just have to share. XOXO

    1. It's getting hot in here! HAHAHA
      And GGG is the best attitude. That's why you know that my fav indeed gives the best prostate massage. Especially if the top curves a little up.

      Calvin is one hot performer. Very versatile and hot to watch. Yes.


  2. I guess E for me. I like being on top and riding a guy's cock. it hits all my buttons in the right ways.

    1. Absolutely.
      And you're not the first girl who swears by it. Straight men should really take note.


  3. I’m old and olde fashioned. I can’t contort into all of those new fangled positions. Give me missionary, doggie, and I guess all of the GIFs you provided.

    And Dakota is quite hot.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Hahaha
      Olde fashioned? Sure, Jan.
      But yes, missionary and doggie are foolproof. So why go and reinvent the wheel?
      And for a second there I thought you'd go for Taylor...


  4. Calvin is hot! I'll try any position once if there is passion. The Churning Butter I've done including variations (although that may be called Pile Driver). But the old tried and true missionary never lets one (or two) down.

    1. Oh, Calvin could get it. He can fire up the screen.
      I'm not a friend of the Pile Driver but I've tried it. I always go back to Missionary....


  5. You'll have to let me think about this.

    1. What? Too many options?
      i would have pegged you as a Seashell man....


  6. I appreciate your guides... however, I do not recognize what this post is about? This... how you say... seeeeeeehhhhhxxx? It is foreign to me, although, perhaps, in a past life it may have been a part of my world. Is this... like making toast? With the peanut butter? Or more like moving back and forth of the vacuum, in order to clean the carpet? I am so sorry... I do not understand. Kizzes.

      It's been awhile, no? This pandemic has totally cramped people's style...
      But it's like riding a bike. Once you try again, it'll come back to you. I promise.


  7. I am just going to say hi there, Sixpence, as I had to scroll really, really fast as one of my kiddos was nearby when I pulled up your blog.

    1. But Mr Shife!
      You have got to come back and watch the video!
      All of those positions are straight-approved! Not like I think you'd find them 'new', but who knows? Maybe a variant you have never tried?


  8. Dude....those are way over thought out and complicated. Give me the doggie style or missionary day day. Thought the boy likes when I peg fuck him like that second gif you used....nice and deep baby.

    1. Haha
      Aren't they? People do apparently overthink everything.
      And the Boy knows what is right. I'm 100% with him on this one.


  9. The ones where you can look into one another's eyes!

    1. Absolutely.
      I always want to look at him while he does me. Always.


  10. Can I pick them all? I don't think I've tried one yet that I didn't enjoy, but, yeah, face-to-face is nice.

    1. Woot! Woot!
      Now, that's fun. GGG as Big said.


  11. I do little fuck, I like to see the face of the man that me and my cock are making to enjoy.


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