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Biggest Slut

Ok, so the celebration of sluttyness should be some kind of common occurrence. Like, a national holiday or something. Something recurrent. Like Father's Day or St. Patrick's. On my part, I celebrate being an ethical slut. Every day. Because of course I do. Now, when Davey came up with this challenge all I had to say was, let's get into it:

Sex with more than three people in a day: Nope. Have not done that. To be fair, I have had sex with two different people in one day, but not three. I once had an affair with two men at the same time. They both knew about the other and they did not mind the sharing. They were roommates, you see, and I think there were some unresolved feelings between them and I came (no pun intended) just at the right moment to be the catalyst for their Bromance. They never hooked up with each other as far as I know, mind you. But they both hooked up with me. I've always sacrificed myself for the common good. 

Having my sex toys in a box. Nope. They are in different places in the bathroom. I think the bathroom is the right place to keep your sex toys, BTW. They're close to the bedroom and you can clean them right after using them.  I do keep them in some drawers, though, not laying around, even though some are really pretty, like Adore's. I clean them (with a special solution, natch) and then away they go. I should get a toolbox, though. Sounds like a good idea to keep all your sex toys in a toolbox. Maybe I'll get mine in camo. Very butch, no?

I have been on a sling. Oh, yes, I have. Hold on, no need to reach for the pearls at this moment. It went like this: I went to the Bijou Theater in Old Town before they demolished it (such a loss!) and I walked that labyrinth they had in the back? It was two in the afternoon on a Friday so nobody was there. And Marcus (you know, my friend Marcus) had got us a special appointment because the Bijou was not open to the public at that point but I had never been in the theater and I wanted to see it before it went away forever. So in we went. It was super cool. They had all kinds of movie posters and magazines and memorabilia. That's where I saw this big black sling that was in the middle of one of the little rooms they had created. And I was dared to climb on it. So I did, because of course I did, it was a bet! I was going to get twenty bucks and you can get a lot of Jelly Beans with that money. So I have BEEN on a sling. I have not been fucked in one but hope springs eternal. 

No, I have not masturbated while taking public transportation. There's something about public transportation that kind of puts me on high alert when it comes to sexy times. Having an audience while getting pressed like the News is not my idea of fun. I have, however, watched men masturbate while on public transportation (Hello, Metra!). Here's the thing: there seems to be something in me that makes men feel comfortable enough to show me their dicks. Men have been showing me their dicks since I'm fourteen. So I have not masturbated while I'm using public transportation but I have watched men touch themselves while on a train. Hey, a boy's got to do what a boy's got to do to help a man in need.

No, I have not been fisted. The answer is no. That's one of those kinks/sex activities/quirks that have never called my attention. I do like to look at men with big dicks, mind you. I like men with big hands, because I find them attractive. But one thing is a big dick and another very different an adult man's fist. And it takes a minute to get used to a big dick. A fist is totally out of the question. I'm getting slightly stressed out just thinking about it. It would take more than a bottle of poppers to get me to even consider it. And I think the answer would still be no. Now, fingering? By all means. 

Have I ever paid for sex? Nope, I have not done it yet, but I'm totally not opposed to doing it. I would like to support sex work. Actually, I'm looking forward to a time in my life when I have so much money that I can actually pay someone for sex and even leave a tip if the service is extraordinary. The thing is, I'd rather have the 'boyfriend experience' with let's say, Rocco Steele than waste my money on someone who does not appreciate me. I'd rather pay a sex worker that than waste time and hard earned Benjamins on some guy who is not really interested in me but keeps stringing me along because I'd pay when we go out. I'd rather pay a man who knows what it is and fulfills his side of the deal than pay for a man's expenses when he's gonna ghost me at the end of the day. Don't you think?

Can I swallow a banana whole? Why, yes I can. And I can do it very well. I may gag on it a little but I will swallow that bad boy whole like there's no tomorrow. I'll deepthroat it like it's nobody's business but that banana and mine. Yes, siree. I can do that. I was recently talking with Xersex about sucking cock and I will have to make a post about it. Food for thought. Literally.

Nope, I have never had sex in an aeroplane. I think plane bathrooms are some of the most confined (and less private) places on earth. Even more than train lavatories. Goddess. Have you seen the door in a plane bathroom? It's like a shower curtain! Having sex with a man in an airplane bathroom should be one of the most challenging things a gay boy could do. I'm also not interested in joining the Mile High club, so no. Unless the man has his OWN plane. Then I'd be more than willing to let him treat me to some big fun in a tiny space.

Nope, I have never jerked off in front of a mirror. I think it could be hot, though, if I think about it. I've had sex in front of a mirror (and above it, don't ask) but I have never jerked off in front of one. I guess it requires a special kind of concentration, to jerk off while looking at one's reflection. Not because I would not fuck myself (I have) but because it has never crossed my mind to find a mirror while enjoying some alone time. Jerking off is some kind of a special occasion for me, so looking at myself in a mirror while I spank the monkey would not really qualify as interesting. Watching another man masturbate while I go at it? That's another thing completely and I've done that more than willingly.

So how high are you in the slutometer? How low? Would you have lost all your clothes like Taylor? I thought I was more shameless and much sluttier. It turns out I may be ethical but not too slutty. Who knew? There's always room for growth, right?


P.S. Mr. Reign is very sexy. I wonder if he offers the Boyfriend Experience. 

P.P.S. the answer is yes!


  1. I can't imagine being fisted....ouch ouch and ouch.

    Never had sex on public transportation, but did in a park (with someone I met at a bar).

  2. I can't imagine being fisted....ouch ouch and ouch.

    Never had sex on public transportation, but did in a park (with someone I met at a bar).

    1. I fisted a marvellous guy several times at my sex club, and I can say I was not bad. My enjoyment was to see that he enjoyed thanks to me. But that's not a thing for me, honestly

    2. Ohhh I think I've had sex in a park many years ago. Hot summer nights can be irresistible. And ouch is right.
      I don't know if I would fist someone, like Xersex suggests, either. It does sound terribly intimate, though...


    3. fisting is a little intimate, but when your lover just wants to be maneuvered in there, lust overpowers intimacy and every other feeling. I have handled this beautiful boy, without ever having tried to fist. You gain at the moment the skills to do this job : you have to be careful and see when he enjoys and when you can hurt him. You have to be particularly sensitive and careful, but I swear to you it's not that hard. Especially if your lover provides you with a lot of lube.

    4. Lust is a very powerful feeling. I find it invigorating.
      I would think that there's also a power dynamic that's the drive behind any kind of erotic interaction. And I bet lube is the main ingredient here. And lots of controlled breathing.


    5. However, it seems fair to point out that I did not enjoy directly but only seeing that this boy enjoyed thanks to me. After a while, I started getting tired. But not him!

    6. Well, you were being game and good. Which is fantastic.
      And I bet he liked it!


  3. Before the pandemic, I used to go to a gay bar - cruising place, and you can imagine how many experiences I have tried. I don't have sex outdoors, I don't masturbate on public transport and I can't swallow a banana. But I can have orgies and fuck for at least half an hour and suck several cocks at the same time, swallowing their delicious semen. I have never met a cock that I did not like and the sperm that I regretted having swallowed.

    Among other things, I am waiting for the vaccination campaign to progress as quickly as possible, because I badly need to binge on tons of sex. Until the contagion subsides and almost disappears, my paradise cannot reopen its doors for me.

    So you can see, even if I don't do weird and exhibitionist actions, that my slutometer is quite high.

    1. Well, those experiences sound all incredibly hot to me! I have never been to a sex club or back room. People tell me the experience is fantastic, super sensual and thrilling.
      Like you, I have never met a cock I didn't like. And we'll have to talk about sucking dick, as I said.
      This pandemic has certainly thrown a wrench in many a person's sex life. Once we're all vaccinated there's gonna be so much fucking.... Yay for sluts!


    2. let me add another thing: before I got used to it, my first few times going to this sex club, I felt like I was seeing a 3D pornographic movie but I realized that one of the actors ... was me. What an alienating, wonderful and strange feeling!

    3. That's super hot!
      I think it should be an amplified version of what we feel when we hear or voice recorded. Watching ourselves on video is disconcerting. I cannot imagine what watching ourselves having sex could be!


    4. I swear it's like being in heaven. There have been occasions when I get a blowjob from two guys at the same time. A wonderful dream ... but maybe I'm writing too many comments!

    5. Ohhhh that sounds fantastic! Being in a threesome is in my bucket list.
      And never too many comments, Xersex. Never too many comments.


  4. I think I'll take all that information you just provided and file it under the bed.

    1. Hahaha
      And then find it in twenty years like that customer you mentioned? There's no such thing as lifetime warranty, Dave.


  5. Yeah, no. 😏

    I'm a total opposite. 🤷‍♂️

  6. Some good, some not so, some just no.

  7. Oh, well.... My slutometer wouldn't register too high. Threesome, yes. Mile High Club, yes (but not in the bathroom, in the seat). Fisting, absolutely no. Toys Toolbox, no. Banana, maybe (I've never tried). Mirror masturbation, yes. Paid for sex, no. Sling, no. While driving, yes. Public transportation, does the Mile High Club count? So, that's 4 yes, and 5 no. Where's the needle? Is that high or low? XOXO

    1. Well, but look at it this way, Big. From my point of view threesomes and Mile High Club points already mark points ahead of me! And of course planes count as public transportation! LOL
      And there's no needle. There's no such thing as too slutty or not slutty enough.


  8. Good catholic boy here. How could you even imply that I have any slutty attributes?!? Not that I would be opposed to partaking in many of them. 😎 Let the slut shine!

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  9. Replies
    1. I'm coming for some lessons Jimmy. I bet you could teach me some things!

    2. Jimmy!
      I need details. And details on the details.
      Come on, you know you wanna....


  10. I never fisted...yuck...and why? I like to fuck a guy with a tight ass. If I wanted to fuck a gapping hole...Id go fuck a hole in the ground. Never paid for sex or had sex on an airplane. Although once I did have a guy start fingering circles on my leg once on a plane. I was to nervous to do anything. Being respectable, I let him grab a few feels of the bulge under the blanket and that was it.

    But yet my needle on the meter sprang!!!!! Have done sling sex ...enjoyed it..and was also bound in a leather straight jacket once. Not again. Major panic attack.

    I do remember one night coming out of Philly sitting across from a very hot guy on the regional. Cruising started. Eye contact made. Bulges swelled. A had a few. My button fly jeans came undone and cock was out ....flipping it for him. He did the same. Needless to say he got off at my stop and we ended up in bed. After two sessions, I had to drive him home though....that was the last train of the night. And when Im bad there has been three people in one day. And you need to have mirror jack off sessions Sixpense. It's fun to watch yourself work your stick. And you can get to see and learn about how you look and what a lover sees. What can I say....I enjoy showing and telling. A lot. I hope to be back this week.

    1. Hahaha
      A hole in the ground, huh? I agree! The whole thing just kind of turns me off but to each his own.
      Being respectable? LMAOOOO Tell that to the leather straightjacket (OMG I cannot even imagine).
      That train story is super hot. Really. I'm going to try to do the mirror thing. It may help with self-esteem, too!
      And welcome back!! Woot Woot!


  11. Wow. I'm way more lower, or is it higher, than I thought I'd be? The only three things on this list dude, I have done are three different people in a day, swallow a banana, and sex or jack off on public transport. Slings, S&M and fisting do nothing for me. I get off on outdoor sex and find transportation sex and jacking off exciting. I also got into double penetrating the boy before the pandemic hit....so we are looking forward to threesomes again.

    1. Haha
      I think the idea is just to find the slut with no shame. You'd be surprised how many people find outdoor/public sex thrilling. The tubes are not filled with people who indulge in the tingle to mingle in public.
      And double penetration! Hot.


  12. Replies
    1. Hahahahahaha
      OMG Upton. You crack me up. I've read your blog. I know what you're talking about.
      Let's teach a MasterClass!


    2. When does enrollment begin? And are there labs?

    3. No, but there will be weekly tests.

      (STIs? Not on my watch.)


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