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Oh, Jair

Having YouTube attached to blogger (or vice versa) is something that could be a mixed blessing sometimes. One of the good things is that it gives me all kinds of suggestions of things to watch, which can sometimes lead me down some very unusual rabbit holes, but sometimes it does hit the target. 

One of those targets is Jair Woo, who is super cool and has had a channel for awhile now. I think he could fall in the 'influencer' category, but I’ve also found that his backstory is compelling and he brings interesting points of view to the discussion. The fact that he's handsome and personable truly helps, too, Right? And apparently I tuned in at the right time because the topic he was talking about was something I have always found fascinating.

Man Scaping
For a guy to trim his pubic hair or to style it fashionably.
"Bob spent several hours in the bathroom Man Scaping so that he was ready for his big date."

'Hey dude we still hitting the clubs on Saturday night?'
'Yeah but i gotta man scape abit first, it's like a jungle down there!'

This time Jair was talking about manscaping and I immediately thought about CaliBoi, who was talking just about that in his blog. And I think Upton also mentioned it in some comments. I keep losing track of what people say. I spend too much time online, you know?

So manscaping. I am torn when it comes to it. Yes, I think a little bit of 'scaping can be cool, but I also really like men's secondary sexual characteristics. A fan with facial hair gives me the tingle to mingle, that's for sure. I like a hairy leg, a fuzzy arm, a treasure trail and a wide chest with some hair. I don't mind some landscaping, either. I've even helped men manscape. So, what's a boy to do? The thing is, I don't really have to choose it for myself because I'm not hairy. I can barely grow a beard (and adolescence is a long gone time for me, honey, there's no chance of growing anything at my age) and I do not have a treasure trail or a hairy chest. So I do not agonize over back hair or out of control chest hair that grows into my beard. But many men kind of do. 

Some men agonize over neck hair or knuckle hair or back hair. But you know what? I don't fucking mind back hair. Or ass hair. Or chest hair. Or arm hair. I've had men who were hairy as a bear (heh) and some who weresmooth as an otter (yeah, I know) and they have been super fun to be with and fantastic in bed. And that's what matters to me. Hair and sexual prowess or intelligence or the capability to enjoy chess are not correlated. Hair or no hair I like the man, not his hirsuteness. Does it turn me on when he's got some hair on him? Yes. But he can make me horny even if he is not covered head to toe with hair. I know there's a whole subculture dedicated to hairy men and the men who like them, but why? Why does hair seem to be some kind of unmentioned borderline that some men do not seem eager to cross? Maybe because gay men are a little obsessive when it comes to body types and anything related to what they 'need' in another man to find him attractive? We seem to have created those categories (bear, otter and a whole menagerie) to subdivide our 'preferences', but have we at the same time painted ourselves in a corner by doing it? Doesn't that sound al little reductive? Help me here.

Yeah, my question is, why does it have to be there a Bear culture? What is it with a hairless body that gets the gays all riled up and ready to mingle? Is it tactile? Is it visual? Is it because you can 'see' the muscles better? Is it some Greek aesthetic revival somebody started and never bothered to end? I don't really know. I have never really stopped to think about it. Until now. When I find a man attractive it is due to many things but hair coverage is really non-important variable for me. Sometimes it doesn't even count until he's naked in front of me and then it's kind of an extra surprise whether he's got body hair or not. 

As for specific manscaping, well, your dick is gonna LOOK one or two inches longer if you trim your pubes, so why not? Same for men shaving their balls. Some men enjoy the feeling of smooth balls when playing with them (or doing their monthly ball test, as Big recommends). There's also some men who like their ass smooth. I see nothing wrong with that. The better for the Big Bad Wolf to eat it, am I right? Notice that all of these body-shaving/ trimming techniques have a sensual/sensory goal: pleasure.  But whole body shaving? Isn't that kind of a lot of work? I get that some men like their body hair tamed, but shaved? What about razor burn? I feel like I need to reach for the Aloe lotion just thinking about it.

But bear in mind (heh) that I am talking from the point of view of a non-hairy person, so I have no point of reference. It's not my body what I'd feel pressured to make visually different in order to attract a mate or look more attractive to the eyes of some men. I'm waiting for you to illuminate me. So what do you prefer? In you? In others? Do YOU manscape? What do you use? Go ahead. I have time. I've already manscaped. I'd show you pics, but I'm shy.

Instead, I’ll have JAMES JAMESSON, who I think was the hottest ginger in gay porn, make a point.



  1. You know I can't grow facial hair...the rest of the body is light on the fur, too. Ah, well. But, manscaping is a bit of a must for me, personally. Shave the dick, shave the nutsac, and trim the front lawn. I don't mind a bit of scruff on a guy, but that last photo of James? It'd be a big no for me. Looks like he doesn't care about hygiene. Plus, who wants to stop the blowjob to pick hair from the mouth?
    As a dancer, it was required. No body hair. The guys would even help each other shave the ass crack. If the dance captain noticed hair - you were sent back to the dressing room.
    Why some guys do the light 'scaping: The original Queer Eye (yeah, I'm that old!) made it a "thing." Why do some guys remove all the hair from arms, legs, etc? I knew a cyclist years ago who did that because it lowered wind drag. Same with competitive swimmers. As we all know from watching Michael Phelps, a millisecond can make a difference. Wrestlers rid the hair because the muscles look better. Bodybuilders, too. They most likely use some type of dipillatory like Nair.

    1. Haha I feel you.
      And the front lawn trimming is something that many of us do, right? And I don't mind the full-on beard, to be honest. Or the body hair.
      And I have known some dancers and athletes that shave their body hair. Yum Phelps, btw. And Nair is nasty.


    2. Nair IS nasty. Burns like a bitch. Leave it on too long and it'll take the skin off. XOXO

  2. Oh, JAÍR WOO! how much you're beautiful and sexy! I'm following you on IG from now!

    About the ginger James, I can tell you he's among the most beautiful sexy ginger on earth, but his beauty is covered in direct proportion to his facial hair! The huger is his beard, the more his beauty gets covered. I don't like bears and savages. So, I find him beautiful with little beard. Perfect, completely without!

    1. LOL Yes, Jair is adorable.
      And yes, James is very sexy. I like him with or without the beard. He's a very handsome man, that's for sure.


  3. Jair... meh. Too Jonas Brother for my taste. And the way he talks bothers me. Meh.

    As for manscaping... yes, for me. I do my ass, my taint, my balls my pubes, my tummy, my back (UGH), my shoulders and upper arms (UGH) every MF day. Seriously. Nobody sees it but me, but I gotta do it or I feel unkempt. Now, here's the switch... I LOVE HAIRY MEN. OMG. Please. Love their pits and everything. Now, I don't want to necessarily floss with their pubes, so the can keep that bush trimmed up... but all the rest... back hair, neck, etc. BRING IT, honey. I despised gay porn in the haties... everybody shaved everything, love gay porn from the 70's - everybody let everything hang out and grow. So why the disconnect? Not sure. But I do know I have odd fur... if it is consistent? It looks good. If it is this odd curly thing here and there? BLECH. On me. Not on others. I love it on others. Unique. But me? It makes me feel like an old man ready for the nursing home. F that. I buzz and shave and then I can live with myself. So, it is for myself. As for the bear scene? It needs to be there. They need to rule their part of the park. Yes, they will never fit in with the circuit queens, so let them be kings of their own island. Just so long as we all can visit. It's like the leather scene. Or any scene. It's about finding and identifying with your own kind. We all need that from time to time. Now, if anybody want to start an island for misfit gays and ugly ducklings like me? I join. How much are the membership dues? Does it come with a tiara and sash?

    1. Hahahaha
      To tell you the truth, I'd have fun with the Joni. They've grown up quite nicely. I didn't like them when they have purity rings, but now? Yes.
      And the thing is, you do the manscaping for yourself, which is the way it should be. I think we should do it for ourselves, not to please others or because we think THAT'S what will get us more sex. It becomes an imposition. You're doing it because it makes you feel good.
      I like hairy men, too but I don't see the why they need to form their own tribe? Are circuit queens all shaved? It confuses me.
      I see the leather scene more as a kink. but I guess hair can also be fetishsized (as shaving can be). To tell you the truth, most of the men I know would fit with the bears, in what concerns body type and body hair. Not everybody looks like an underwear model.
      And sign me up for the island! Especially if there's tiaras involved.


  4. I do a little bit here and there because it makes me feel better. But there are those that overdo and end up looking like hairless giant toddlers and, yeah, what's sexy about that?

    1. Same.
      And it's sexy! LOL
      I have not know anybody who goes all the way, though. I don't know how I'd react. Hairless giant toddlers are really not my thing, either.


  5. Jairwoo is HOT! But only because of his whole demeanor, including his voice.

    The GINGER,........wow, a total chameleon.

    It doesn't matter to me if guys manscape or not. They just have to be clean in the nether regions. No wood chips!

    1. Jair is very handsome and very personable. Super sweet. Has gone through some things, too.
      The ginger is delicious. I owe him many a good moment.
      And I agree with you. No wood chips whatsoever!!


  6. I have to agree with Bob. Who wants a baby? And I thought Jamesson had retired.

    1. Dave, dear.
      We all know you know your porn very well. You know Jamesson retired in 2015, hence my use of the preterite.


  7. Wow Jameson has run the gamut from squeaky clean to cro-magnon man.

    Not a ‘scraper here. I don’t have that much time! Though I have thought of doing a little trimming here and there for aesthetics. Who wouldn’t want another inch or two?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Isn't he yummy?
      And I know you don't scape. That would take a minute.


  8. No big issue for me. Im luckily not a hairy person either. I generally shave everyday my face, unless I let a nice five o clock shadow come in, which I do , do once a month. I like on myself, and others a nice clean dick and smooth balls. I don't want that hair in my mouth!!!! I use to have a manfriend that liked shaving me...which would often lead to other things. He moved away...now I do myself. I only really have hairy legs and arms, but the arms aren't as hairy as my legs...very little chest hair, so I shave it off in two swipes...and no back hair.

    That was the only draw back when I did drag regularly. I had to Nair my arms and legs...which many of my tricks didn't like. My hairy legs are one of my boy trademarks and assets. I do like my hairy gams, I must admit.

    1. Same!
      And I forgot you did drag (duh!) and that being smooth is part of the job. I can't with Nair. The smell alone!
      And I also had a friend who manscaped me. It really got him going! Good times.


  9. Lets all just get together and have a scaping party. Shaving cream can be slick you know.

    1. Hahaha
      You absolutely know how THAT would end, don't cha?



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